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About Yahasaki

  • Birthday 11/25/1993

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  1. Yeah, perfect ! Thank you very much for your help (all both) ! ^^
  2. Oh ! You are right. Yeah the 5 others are from Kanto. Switching works between Totodile, Gastly and Spinda. :) What can I do to stock the Kanto pokemons?
  3. This is it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0rsZNK8RJQ
  4. Ok, I'm on it... Just a few minutes. ^^
  5. I can't change the order of pokémons in my team or put them in the box and, conversely, take them back from it. The switch function (to catch and to release the pokemon with the cursor) doesn't work anymore. For information, I come back from a period of inactivity and I migrated my main account on the silver server yesterday. Help? ^^'
  6. I'm exactly in the same situation than you: i've just played the red version more than ten years ago as a child without knowing the real working of the ing statistics (simply capturing and obtaining the victory on the league). Arrived here, I've rediscovered improved maps and graphics from my childhood (especially animated by the presence of many other players), however I've the feeling to deepen more clearly the game, to perceive better the possibilities and the actions to carry out. And even if, in fact, it's almost the same game, I don't play it in the same way than before so it appears to me so different, certainly more complicated and demanding. Just happiness ! :Angel: Enjoy ! :y:
  7. Héhé ! bienvenue à toi ! Bon amusement et surtout profite du contenu bien étoffé ! :Grin:
  8. Same problem, stuck in loading map. login: Yahasaki Server: Blue Don't certainly remember my location. Road 12, I think...
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