i don't ask about server status, but if the crash it's only my problem or not.
this message was just to make me sure, btw i'm sorry and thanks for the answers :)
it's ok, indeed i've said the possibility, for example through a button. this may be usefull for the people who want skip faster the wild encounter or even only for make the gameplay a bit faster and not too much boring >.<
PRO Username: Artemisio
Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes
On which server issue happened: BLUE
What have you done before the problem was there?
Try to catch pichaku in viridian forest, battle whit a trainer (who when i reconnect i can't rematch him) or nothing in special
What have you already tried to solve the problem?
i can't do anything
Description and Message
I play in blue server for 2 day ago and every day this server crashes many times.
My question is: it's only my problem or crashes at everyone ?