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Everything posted by Gzelfo

  1. so , what you're saying basically is : Make this game another grindfest like the other games are. (PS: Oh and btw those games are bad) In other words, if you dont like the other games, and they are all grind based, and you like this game which isn't. Why do you want this game to look more like the others that you didn't like? I fail to see your point, but thanks for sharing.
  2. just a reminder : bidding starts at 100K
  3. Highest offer wins.convince me to sell him Edit : Wow i forgot to put the start bid, sorry Bidding starts at 100K (400K Insta), sorry for not puting it earlier, i forgot.
  4. Hi, I recently started over in the new yellow server, and got the Dig ability, but i can't use it on dig spots, because it says "i dont have the right badge". I tried checking on the internet (forums,google,Help chat...), everyone succesfully uses dig, with just the first badge, whereas i have the first two badges. Some people told me that i need a happy pokemon (155 or more) i have that too, my dig pokemon has more than 200 happiness, when i use dig to go from a cave entry to another it works, but when i try to use it on dig spots ,it doesnt. Please help me, i just wanna play me some pokemon already. Thanks
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