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About Shanks

  • Birthday 05/10/1999

Personal Information

  • Career
    Gotta Catch 'Em All
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Gotta Catch 'Em All

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Been a while since i play the game but in coming back so yea xD Lets have some fun : )
  2. Its been 2 months since i dont play the game and im coming back down so can u guys explain me they updates that appered in that time??
  3. Ingame name: Shanks Badges/playtime: 12 badges/ 112 hours of playtime Your goal in pro: HAve fun, be a pokemon master :D Can u use discord while playing? Yes i can What timezone do you belong to? +1 Why should we accept you: It seems a very good guild and i would be pretty cool if u guys could accept me
  4. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] <t>Hi i want to join this guild, sadly i dont have the 16 badges i have 11 badges and dont have 250 hours i have something like 110 hours, but im able to use discord and im a loyal member so yea , it would be pretty could if u guys could accept me.</t>
  5. Hey, i would like to join a guild, i´m able to use discord thats not a problem, im already in johto so yhea and im loyal i think thats important so yhea thx.
  6. Ive already defeated elite 4
  7. When i try to use headbutt on a tree he says that i need more hapinnes on my pokemon , but it is already at is max, how do i need to do to solve this problem??
  8. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <t>IGN: Shanks<br/> Pokemon: Gyarados<br/> EV train: 252 [ATK], 252 [sPD], 6 [HP]<br/> Move keep: Juat keep them as they are<br/> Rush order: Yes</t>
  9. Shanks


    Hello guys what moveset you think its good for this aipom/aibipom? And btw is it good?
  10. That was what i was thinking as well, a traiding sistem between the red server and the blue server would be pretty awesome.
  11. Re: Memoire [international guild] <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> <br/> Answer: Approximately 80 hours.<br/> <br/> 2. Why should we accept you into the guild?<br/> <br/> Answer: I want to creat friendships in this game and have fun.<br/> <br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> <br/> Answer: Yes.<br/> <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> <br/> Answer: Yes i will.</t>
  12. Shanks


    Magikarp <r>Is this magicarp good? if so how mutch is it worth and what moveset should i put in her<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/DCSNYYy.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. Shanks

    Pokemon Natu

    And With one should i focus on lvl up?
  14. Shanks

    Pokemon Natu

    I was wondering if a natu is a good pokemon to lvl up, can u guys help me ? First one Second one Third one Four Fifht
  15. Shanks


    Nidorina lvl up <r>Is this a good pokemon to lvl up?<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/18Cq3f1.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
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