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  1. Here !! :Grin:
  2. OK, the auction is ended. The winner is [ref]LuxFuit[/ref] !! :Grin: Congratulations ! :Angel: My name in game: Ogodi03 add me when u can.
  3. Well, just 24h more from auction and it's the end. Current king offer is 8.1m by LuxFuit
  4. So, [ref]masupilami[/ref] is the current king from offer. Ps: I really like that smiley :devil: xD
  5. ^ Last Offer :thanks: [ref=#bf4000]Sage[/ref]
  6. If I started the auction here, is for something. :Ambivalent: I will be until the end. If still interesing, you can continue the auction, there is no problems here just ignore them. :y:
  7. 1) you cannot cancel an auction as you like. If you state a starting price and a time, you MUST trade the pokemon to the winner. Time was over and bids higher than your starting price were given, you just ditched everybody so do not dare playing the victim here. You broke the rules. 3) you are breaking rules again. You cannot start an auction with a start price and then not accept it unless it's not high enough. What the hell is the start price for then? Put it at 7mil? Given the past experience with you and the silly reply you just gave (admitting to cancel auction after it ended, start 5mil but accept only 7+, are you actually kidding?) i will not take part to it and actually signal this thread to a mod in order everything goes smooth. Nice pokemon but not worth the hassle of such unfair, careless and rule-breaker seller. Good luck! Ah, and just one thing more. You talked about the rules, right? So let me show you something. Go to those web sites, https://pokemonrevolution.net/rules.php and https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=32484 and tell me what are the rules I broke, because I can't see any rule that i has broken. But you want to know something? You broke a rule, my little friend. See number 4, https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=32484 AND more, for an offensive language : "Given the past experience with you and the silly reply you just gave (admitting to cancel auction after it ended, start 5mil but accept only 7+, are you actually kidding?) i will not take part to it and actually signal this thread to a mod in order everything goes smooth. Nice pokemon but not worth the hassle of such unfair, careless and rule-breaker seller." , and also for being a liar! So, if i want i can report you for broke the rule + offensive language + for liar.
  8. 1) you cannot cancel an auction as you like. If you state a starting price and a time, you MUST trade the pokemon to the winner. Time was over and bids higher than your starting price were given, you just ditched everybody so do not dare playing the victim here. You broke the rules. 3) you are breaking rules again. You cannot start an auction with a start price and then not accept it unless it's not high enough. What the hell is the start price for then? Put it at 7mil? Given the past experience with you and the silly reply you just gave (admitting to cancel auction after it ended, start 5mil but accept only 7+, are you actually kidding?) i will not take part to it and actually signal this thread to a mod in order everything goes smooth. Nice pokemon but not worth the hassle of such unfair, careless and rule-breaker seller. Good luck! Well, I can see that you didn't realize anything but well I don't care, don't want to know anything. If you want to start a discussion, so good luck but not with me i hate flamers, so stop the flame and be angry, and just say I WANTED HIM ... If you want to participate in the auction, ok np, if not, just leave us and will cry your angry elsewhere just because you don't agree, I had my reasons so just stop it. And I hope you aren't the person that I think is, because it was one of the reasons for the cancel .. And last, don't talk about things that you think you know because you don't know all, ok ? Thanks. Ps :And what the hell is the past experience with you !! ?? woooow, 10 mins dude --' I can see that you are those people who likes to invent things ONLY to be right/have the reason, u did it 2 or 3 times, I don't will look now just to be sure the number.
  9. No. I said, no insta yet. I want to know if this Bisharp Shiny is really the first one.
  10. Do you guarantee us this is a real auction this time around and won't be like the fake auction you run on trade-chat 1 week ago (not following the time you stated, auction mysteriously closed for no reason even if starting price was met)? 11 september is indeed the closing date, and any offer superior to your 5mil starting price will be accepted? Please reply to this, i and surely some others would like to be confirmed we are not wasting tons of time again :thanks: Well, i will try to explain a little and simple because I'm not good at english. 1- I said why I canceled the auction, so if you don't remember this or just didn't see, don't say "auction mysteriously closed for no reason" because if you started talking about it, it means you were there. 2- September 11 is the last day for the auction, included. If you are in other continent than europa, the hour/date is 11 september at 23:59 UTC/GMT +2 3- And last, if you want to know, i only will to sell it for 7m over. And the 5m, well, it's a start. Ps : You didn't waste tons of time the other day, it was like 10 mins. So, don't say "again" :thanks: And sorry for the other day also :Heart:
  11. Bid start : 5m Insta :15m End : 11 september 2016, included - I can accept or decline any offer when i want here or in game - I've the right to cancel the auction if not satisfied. And the winner is [ref]LuxFuit[/ref], Congratulations :Angel:
  12. Thanks for the help in advance :Smile: :thanks:
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