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Everything posted by Mikelrns

  1. Pawniard or evolution ada speed31 attk25+ defiant
  2. [MEDIA=imgur2]bNwPotI[/MEDIA] Insta 1m start from 500k
  3. if i wish to continue my red server what i need to do
  4. what happened with my old account in red versio
  5. Re: wts gliscor poison heal ada epic ivs <t>can you be online faster? because i want to buy other pokemon</t>
  6. Re: wts gliscor poison heal ada epic ivs <t>add me please</t>
  7. insta 1.6m [/img]https://imgur.com/a/14olE sold
  8. sorry im red sever
  9. wtb ada h.a dragonite 1.8m god iv
  10. https://imgur.com/DMLl9fU sold
  11. https://imgur.com/awSCMmU
  12. sold...
  13. https://imgur.com/TPmnb3v 300k
  14. 320k :D
  15. sold !!
  16. ty man i posted again if u want see my poke :Grin:
  17. https://i.imgur.com/Ma6dAIN.jpg start bo than 600k insta 1m 24hours
  18. Re: WTS gengar PvP ready <t>can you tell me please how i put a photo?</t>
  19. how i put aphoto to see.. i dont know help
  20. https://i.imgur.com/Ma6dAIN.jpg1m
  21. how is b.o ? infernape???
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