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About Akessi

  • Birthday 09/28/2000

Personal Information

  • Career
    Pokémon Master
  • Youtube
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  • Occupation
    Pokémon Master

Akessi's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Please do Gengar (Or the previous evolutions) I wanr him badly xmasified!
  2. Goobye. Hopefully to see you again! :Grin:
  3. My main goal is to have one of the strongest Pokemon team in the whole game. To fill the Pokedex as well and to make the strongest guild. x3 :Grin:
  4. Hello everyone, this is mainly for the editor(s) of the guides, the recent problem that I found was that Jasmine doesn't start with Lucario, she starts with Magnezone, so uh, maybe just got it confused or something. I just wanted to point that out. :thanks: :Grin:
  5. Why dont you restart it? 1- look at my tag, "Former Staff" 2- go look at the current staff list, theres barely any staff 3-only admins/shane can reboot, and out of the 3 that are left one is away, one doesnt have server access and one is asleep (australia - shane - wait for shane to come and reboot) Thanks for pointing out that you're a Former Staff, I didnt realise...
  6. If thats the reason, then why dont you just restart it?
  7. Neither can I, I think they are updating it or it crashed and no one has restarted it. Idk tho.
  8. ah, ok thanks :)
  9. Hello everyone, me and my buddy were wondering on why Destiny Bond does not work? If you know tell me(us) :thanks: :D
  10. Hello everyone, I've been wondering on why the chat channels have not stayed on my chat box, I make one and then 1 or 2 days later it just disappears off the chat box, and then I need to make it again. Does anyone know on why that exactly happens? Just curious. :thanks:
  11. How much for full IVs?
  12. Hey, how much with no IVs?
  13. Hello everyone, I was wondering on how much a Gengar with the nature Timid would cost me to buy? If anyone has a idea or a accurate price for it please let me know! :thanks:
  14. Hello everyone, I'm willing to pay 20k for someone to go to Hoenn get me the move Hyper Beam and come back to Saffron City, ill pay full (sorry if this is the wrong section of the trades)I want to add it to my Snorlax! :thanks: :Grin:
  15. Cheers! :D
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