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Everything posted by Lastmage

  1. After that fight i got ported into Wattson's Gym. Instead of talking to him, i went to a PC before. *horrible mistake* When I went back to the gym, the lightning-barriers are back up again. And when I try to use a switch, it says "You've already deactivated all switches; why disorder that sequence here? Neither I'm able to go back to Wattson, nor I can proceed in the teleportation questline. I searched topics around here and i didn't find anyone who has the same problem as me so I'm guessing this is a "new" bug. https://imgur.com/4qPIvuu Thank you for the investigation :Crazy:
  2. I also searched like 3 hours for a swablu, then i finally found one, and i just wanted one to play through hoenn story ... But at the end, i am able to value my swablu since it was so hard to find. it's better this way, even though i have nightmares of zigzagoons right now, pokemon are much more "worthy" if we dont find the one we want every 30 seconds and.This is the only way pokemon revolution is long-term based and we can enjoy this game without having a new region every 2 months.
  3. Same here, also pewter museum, also blue server
  4. Same problem here (also at pewter city museum), tried everything i could think off, nothing worked
  5. Hey, I also got a loading map freeze on my account, however i can still login and play on other accounts. It's just one character and only on blue server. I went into the museum in pewter city and my screen froze, now it keeps staying in Loading Map. I tried reinstall the client. I don't have a working antivirus at the moment, so this can't be the problem. Any other suggestion? Would help me a lot :)
  6. Having the same problem. Any suggestions?
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