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About Serniksernik

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  1. I have to make a short break, but when i will come back, i will try to get some videos with legendary paras.
  2. Yeah, true legendary full speed paras. PVP ready. Would be nice team with this pidgeot, get this pidgeot 100 lvl
  3. Well, as you all know, there are only 3 legendary poke's that you can catch. Mew, Celebi, Jirachi... But to be honest, i think we just found 4'd legendary pokemon. He can beat all kanto e4. He is so powerfull that nobody is using him in pvp - too op. I was able to catch him. I have him. I praise him. Mysterious 4 legendary pokemon He was only seen in server red. Hail <4 legendary pokemon>
  4. More options - better game, yeah good idea. There is no reason for not implementing this option into game.
  5. It is bit risky idea. It can put accounts security in danger. I wouldn't do that. But i get your point.
  6. I get the point of idea, some people have feelings, and don't want to abandon pokes - they treat them as living things, and no living thing deserve to be anbandoned. Name of button can be changed to something like: Send pokemon back to wilderness. - which sound better.
  7. I think putting Blue as first option can solve problem a little, since not all newcomers are bothered which server do they start, so those would be joining blue by default. Great idea for me.
  8. I think this is a great idea :)
  9. Great SP Atk / Speed Ev training spot is in water on map between vermilion city and saffron. Psyduck's Poliwag's Golduck's. Another good Sp atk training spot is psyduck in johto ilex forrest (water). OCh, and dont forget abotu Macho brace while you train EV's.
  10. so what about player with random number writting to you to answer a question?? more difficulties less bots. simple. also, there are already "gold in game " offers on internet, so this problem already started, and it will get worse.
  11. Economy involve all players business. And lack of bot prevention leads to inflation/ more unknown people whith good pokemons. If not captcha, then i suggest to find any other way - but captcha is the best one so far. You might lose a bit of popularity by doing this system, but from other hand, only people who are really playing will stay, another ones will go to earn easy money on games where it is easier to bot.
  12. Barney, thanks for supporting my plan. That really cheer me up :) Well, captcha dont have to be that bad as you think. It is not an advertise, it is not something that would be too annoying to make people stop playing this game. Already you have queues reaching 1200 people. Banning and kicking bots didn't helped in many games which names i wont say because of reasons, but if you really want an examples i can give some. Well designed captcha system would prevent people from mindlesly bot hunting/lvling. This destroy game for those who dont use bots - you ask how? Well, simply because botting people can spend more time in game to catch pokemons or lvl them up. Captcha is the only thing that bot can't handle. With proper explaination and putting it in reasonable amounts of times, this is the best solution so far to prevent people from botting. I'm truly interested why there is no proper bot solution so far when project PRO is having quite a bit of time. This was only a suggestion, but if you want me to tell you which games bots ruined a game, i can say several examples. Kicking and banning bot accounts in free-to-play game will never stop people from botting. Also even if there are bots that catch captcha, many bot programms can't so you would highly decrease amount of botting people anyway. The only one thing against anti bot system is: Usually short-term popular games want from people to cheat, because when people cheat, they want to play this game - there was many many games popular for one or two years just because many many people had an access to cheats/bots. This is old trick, but it is not good for long term projects. Bots should be destroyed.
  13. um it depends from how you will design captcha, and for me, allowing bots to go frely in the game is ruining game even more.
  14. Hello, I think the "bots" problem can be solved pretty easily by adding randomly popping up captcha into game, if someone will not fill captcha - he gets kicked from the server. Since you noticed that servers are much more empty after crash/restarts, that would suggest that many people are just botting here. And if we will let bots run for more time, it will ruin in-game economy, and not only that... My suggestion is to add to the game random appearing captcha (bots are not that smart to fill it in game, or at least not yet).
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