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Everything posted by Chocolateone

  1. And about more powerfull system. Its really needn't. Just game weight will be near 2G, all images change to gifs. Its not what you think about.
  2. Wow dude. 3D ugly? I think it much better than some pixels. And animations. Its. Really. Cool.
  3. Hey. Yes i know PRO is just pokemon game with multiplayer and issues. But i think if PRO team coplete my idea game be so better than now. Look at Pokemon X and Y. Why we cant have that graphic? All material in the internet. Upgrade battle be more cool with animation. Something like that: New pokemon graphic cool, isn't it? Its idea about new graphic in battle. Example other pokemons with new graphic: About mega... Can be. But hard work: And world. No idea. Only new battles idea. End. Thanks. P.S. Sorry for mistakes, i am russian.
  4. In november 18 you will can buy "Pokemon: Sun and Moon". In that game at start you get new pokedex. Rotom pokedex: I think PRO dont want stay at Hoenn and continiue. Isn't it? Maybe now we can made new design for our pokedex? And Rotom can be a navigator. It idea for new map. Thank you.
  5. PRO Username: In desc. Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? The trade, before T-Moderator connect me PM. We talking and my router has turned off! When i enter i get ban! What have you already tried to solve the problem? Can't. Description and Message My nickname ChocolateOne (So long for his window). I trade with Skullnick2000 and he dont get coins. We tryed to finish problem but something bad happend. He spam me and i know hes scared. I Think he lie and get coins. T-Moderator pm me and we start talk. I want put to give Skullnick2000 item back but my internet turned off! I reenter but for minute (Something happend with USB) and he turned off again. When i enter i get ban. Can i get unban i pm the skullnick2000 and give his item back. Help please. :Exclam:
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