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Everything posted by Revi

  1. With the lag this is impossible.
  2. Just found a dratini. Want to know how? Sanchez told me to buy the 75k rod, after fishing 10m with it a dratini appear. 20m later another dratini. Looks like the rod is the problem in that specific poke(surfing a lot and 0 dragonairs). So many hours with the 15k rod wasting the time. Still, the rates of absol, pineco, froakie, riolu, houndour( 6 o 7 full game nights before 1 appear= +8h real time), and many other pokes is just insane, 1-2% is fine.
  3. How many hours did you played? I have 3 pokes at lvl 100, 1 97, 1 92, 5 or more 70-80+, found a shiny even with my bad luck, and NO DRATINI FOUND!! Shiny pokes are easier to find than dratiny. The rate to find a shiny is 1/8192. Average time per combat 15seconds(it's probably more), you know what that means? 34,13h real time non stop pressing A-D-A-D-A-D in the same spot TO FIND ONE. It's insane don't you think?
  4. +1 to the op, you have my support. In 215 Hours played, 0 dratini/dragonair/dragonite.
  5. Re: Addind TM/HM waterfall <t>Lvl 100 gyarados use aqua tail, failed, Kingler lvl 58 use Guillotine, gyarados dead. Please, add waterfall.</t>
  6. With junk-buyers you mean npcs?
  7. When you need to stay more than 10, 24h real hours pressing A then D then A and leaving combat until this pokemon appears, you capture it and you see bad ivs/nature just quit the game.
  8. Try to find a dratini, bagon, pineco, houndour... Then try to find them with good ivs.
  9. Same issue to all. Maybe staff removed it for some reason?
  10. Re: 99,9% :P :P :P <t>It would be nice to receive an email when it's 100%, my F5 key would be alleviate</t>
  11. Una duda que tengo, cuando empece a jugar elegi a uno de los 3 iniciales, pero habia como una 4a opcion que decia que era un pokemon rebelde y por mas que lo intente no pude pillarlo. Es solo para gente que paga o algo por el estilo?
  12. Pillo sitio para cuando empiece el juego.
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