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  1. Because is Sunday? (Too Holidays for a lot of countrys) I talk about a ¨normal day¨ in PRO. --- Oh guys, i need repeat that New player choose the first Option for start the game? You only need see the help chat and All, Red player have more new players that blue server for this reason. When I say 'at the moment', I don't mean just today. I mean recently. The queues are anything from 700 to 1200+.
  2. Just FYI, I play on blue and we're getting 1000+ queues at the moment also.
  3. It's all well and good saying we need a third server, but the team have already stated that the cost to run the current ones is pretty high. They can't guarantee all of these people lead here through various means are going to stick around and buy coins to help fund the running cost or if they will get bored quickly and leave. Also, the new players may not want to change server due progress already made on the current ones. Edit: I should have read further, literally everything I just said has already been posted in this thread :Nervous:
  4. Alright folks, it's Saturday morning, I have my corn flakes and let's sell this Garchomp before work. I will be selling it to the highest bidder in 5 hours, and will continue to update this post every hour, then in the final hour at the 30-minute and 10-minute mark. I will be in game @trade chat also, so you can talk to me either here or there. Time left: SOLD
  5. UPDATE: I'm very sorry everyone but due to work commitments I won't be around today, so I've decided to extend the auction until tomorrow (Saturday), as I want to be in game to sell this at the end. Unfortunately work comes before games, and I was unable to get online both Thursday and today as well. Saturday I will be around for 6 hours or so, at the end of which I will be selling this to the highest bidder. Don't forget the insta price for this is 1.8m, which is still a bargain for such a rare poke with 30/30. Anyone wishing to buy now for 1.8m just leave a message here or as a pm and I will do the trade with you tomorrow, first come first served. Thanks for the patience guys.
  6. Current offer is 600k from Jihao. I'll be ending the bids on Friday.
  7. Thank you, currently leads! :) Edit: new c/o is 430k by Billyjoe!
  8. Just needs stealth rock and swords dance to be pvp-ready. Taking offers now, no lowballs please! SOLD
  9. Post duplicated in error, have reported it. Please see the other topic: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=109&t=35086
  10. Looking for a bold syncro, any poke above level 30 would be perfect. Willing to pay 40k for it.
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