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  1. evidence .17min-22min.longer than 5min
  2. if gm here,just check gato666 said.he congrats veldrin( means he quit).and he offer again.i dont think its right.that all i want to say.thanks.xd
  3. come to trade .veldrin.i have said u win
  4. Thanks all! done.7m for veldrin.
  5. if veldrin best offer is 5.5m.It's my fault that i dont say the end time the last offer
  6. The auction finished in 5mins after the last offer
  7. Start offer 1.5m min bid 100k no insta 48h auction Snivy @ Lum Berry Level: 39 Hasty Nature Ability: Contrary EVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe IVs: 22 HP / 10 Atk / 21 Def / 30 SpA / 29 SpD / 26 Spe - Coil - Leaf Blade - Giga Drain - Wring Out
  8. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Dissloute Friendliest: yuemma Funniest: amo Coolest: weiiiiii Comeback Player of the Year: DingHao Most Talkative: John Most Trustworthy: chenjjjqqq Most Helpful: Lex Most Missed: saonian Most Influential: linrely Most Intriguing: DingHao Most Experienced Player: weiiiiii Best/Funniest Username: another Most Professional Guide Maker: Dissloute Most Professional Discord Moderator: Shane STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: shakumi(sinnoh map maker) Best Artist:shakumi Best Community Coordinator: Red Best Moderator:Red Best Trade Moderator: Red Best Game Master: Shane Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: Most Professional Staff: Red Most Dedicated Staff: Red Funniest Staff: Red Friendliest Staff: Red Most Honorable Former Staff: Red Most Missed Former Staff: shakumi(i love u ! =u=)
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