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Everything posted by Rached04

  1. [glow=red] Offer Please ^^[/glow] [glow=red] Insta 1.6m[/glow]
  2. Im looking for a guy nammed Simoinki he didnt Connect for 5 months and i gived him some epic poks to train and the prolem i didnt make screenshots because he trained so many poks for me and i think he stopped playing this game is there anyway to get a solution ? or a method to contact him ?
  3. [glow=red] Start Bid 200k insta 2.5m [/glow] [glow=red] Start bid 100k insta 1.5m [/glow] [glow=red] Start bid 100k insta 1.5m [/glow] [highlight=yellow] Bids ends in 7 days good luck [/highlight]
  4. ends in 7 days good luck
  5. start bid 500k insta 2.5m
  6. i dont have specific prices offer please https://imgur.com/fkZsw4p https://imgur.com/1H99DVs https://imgur.com/QWKhy7V https://imgur.com/cnwt5g0 https://imgur.com/FQF3jjD [https://imgur.com/8NNXELH https://imgur.com/LoWbIvM https://imgur.com/5H9ufbH gl ^^
  7. Start bid at 1m https://imgur.com/aq7iCCo 7 days
  8. https://s28.postimg.org/py8780rlp/infer.jpg Start bid 1m https://s17.postimg.org/p22rgn5kf/star.jpg start bid 800k insta 1.5m https://s18.postimg.org/oogvcdh49/stout.jpg start bid 500k insta 800k https://s28.postimg.org/8931jd8rh/blas.jpg start bid 500k insta 800k https://s30.postimg.org/pgzdpm7bl/elect.jpg start bid 400k insta 600 all bids ends in 7 days thank you
  9. https://s15.postimg.org/6tsk6kd17/torterra.jpg start bid 500k insta 2.5m good luck ^^
  10. can pay ms for both or max 300k each depends ov ev ty
  11. https://s16.postimg.org/5celfjnmt/crobat.jpg start bid 1m insta 4m thank you ^^ ends in 4 days gl
  12. https://s11.postimg.org/cw3ofwd77/sableye.jpg start bid 400k ends in 3 days :y: :y:
  13. https://s12.postimg.org/lrw4unon1/bisharp.jpg start bid 500k insta 2m ends :y: :y:
  14. 250k 250k 450k 250k h.a 650k 220k pm me in game or post here thank you :Angel:
  15. start bid 1m ends in 3 days pm me in game or post ur prices thank you :Angel:
  16. Nature:Adamant Ability:Defiant Atk: 18 Def:30 Speed:28 Spatk:11 Spdef:21 Hp:16 atk + speed ev max ev trained B.o 1.2m insta 1.5m
  17. hi selling epic Tyraunturn Nature: Adamant Ability: Strong jaw ATK 31 DEF 09 SPD 22 SPATk 03 Sdef 13 HP 13 c.o 800k insta 1m
  18. Re: Zraelfoxy's Training Service + Daycare Service(All Regions) <t>hi im interested pm me when u can my name Rached04</t>
  19. im stucked too helpp please.. ID: rached04 Server: Blue Server
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