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Bathgaer's Achievements



  1. Re: WTS PVP PKM <t>[mention]longlakenby[/mention] i pay 1.2m for slowbro</t>
  2. tanks [mention]Alain30[/mention]
  3. xD Tanks [mention]PreHax[/mention]
  4. Thanks PreHax ... so I'll have my chance to get my suicune right? I was afraid...
  5. Hello I went to capture my suicune ... I beat the guardian and the suicune appeared on the water ... I entered the fight with him, however ... after 71 ultraball and 50 great he did not enter and I had to give run My pokeballs are over ... I fought against boss nikola and I selected the suicune option ... then I went back to the lake where he stayed and he was not there ... what do I do? thank you
  6. epic Dragonite H.A
  7. start 800K insta 1.5m https://imgur.com/a/PPs09
  8. I click to attack and nothing happens, just back to the screen to attack or change pokemon
  9. u-turn do not working for nobody else? I put u-turn in my talonflame but is not working, please help me
  10. U-turn is not working in my talonflame on pvp, please help me
  11. I have the love island, I have mew bus i cant go to trainers valley, i need a gm support, please help me
  12. I've done the train quest and won red in mt silver but not opened the trainers valley for me. I did a long time ago and not yet released , please help me
  13. I've done the train quest and won red in mt silver but not opened the trainers valley for me. I did a long time ago and not yet released , please help me
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