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About Jd97

  • Birthday 07/11/1997

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  1. good luck to everyone!
  2. i have team aqua clothes and i want to trade them for team magma
  3. i can't battle the 2 bosses because they say my pokemon aren't good enough :( thanks for the useful topic though!
  4. oh it's still unavailable? i assumed they finished it because there were NPCs there. anyway thank you very much!
  5. how do i do it? i've talked to watson now 2 magnemite are blocking the entrance. please help
  6. oh i see now. thanks a lot!
  7. there is a gate which i am not able to pass i just read some walkthrough and they said that wattson should be in there waiting for me. but he is not :/
  8. are there are other quests? ofc i'll train and catch more pokemon :P
  9. i finished hoenn just today and i am wondering what should i do next, any ideas?
  10. want money offers or a Lileep :)
  11. thanks everyone again :)
  12. thank you everyone! i am a big fan of pokemon especially of the third generation, i always wanted an online game like this so i instanly fell in love with it. i can't wait to go to hoenn!
  13. hello! i'm not really new in game, i've been playing for a couple of weeks now or even a month. just figured i could say hi!
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