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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Just ban them all. Gen 1 pokes > all others. Signed By: <euginken>
  2. Looking to purchase a bulbasaur or venusaur with H.A and modest with good IVS. kindly pm me in game with price, leave a reply here or drop me a pm on the forum.
  3. Looking to buy a charmander/charizard timid with H.A and good EVs. Kindly drop me a pm in game or reply here. 2mil budget
  4. Looking to sell the items listed below Ghost outfit 5 - 150k (sold) Pumpkin Hat - 150k Straw Hat 1 - 150k (sold) Anemone Flower - 150k (sold) Black Suit - 150k (sold) Lapras mount - 300k (sold) Bat ears - 150k kindly drop me a message here or pm me in game!
  5. Hi, Thanks for the reply really appreciate it. Unfortunately I am unable to provide any form of visuals to support what I mentioned. Am only able to provide pretty much the turns and actions. I will start off with Ferrothorn being swapped in Turn 1: Swapped out Donphan into Dragonite, Ferrothorn uses Stealth Rock Turn 2: Dragonite uses DD , Ferrothorn uses leech seed Turn 3: Expecting a thunder wave and knowing that lum berries usually clears it I decided to do another DD to potentially OHKO ferrothorn with fire punch. Ferrothorn uses thunder wave and the lum berry does not activate. Once again thanks for the replies, would continue observing if I would to encounter such an issue again.
  6. Have recently came back to the game and pvped. Was encountering a ferrothorn today in rank and swapped in my dragonite for a DD setup. Was thunder-waved and my lum berry did not activate. Subsequently when I was trying to setup my DD gyarados on the ferrothorn it was also thunder-waved with lum berry not activating. This is the first time it occured and I'm not sure exactly how come? The previous Pokémon which was taken out before the ferrothorn came in was Machamp but it was facing my Donphan so lum berries on dragonite and gyarados are still intack. I'm certain neither Machamp or ferrothorn has a unnerved ability. Could someone advice me on what may have happened so that I could avoid making the same mistake.
  7. Re: wts dragonite ada h.a pvp ready. <t>Would like to buy it for instant. Kindly pm me in game @ euginken</t>
  8. As stated! Looking to purchase an epic Adamant H.A Dragonite With good EVS. Kindly drop a reply here with your quoted price or PM me in game
  9. WTB jolly Tyrunt or evo with H.A and good IVS. paying up to 1.5m
  10. WTB 1)Adamant h.a dratini/dragonite with good IVs 2)Impish skarmory with Good IVS
  11. Re: [wts]Epic Jolly Salamance -Tech Breloom Jolly [New Insta!] <t>800k breloom</t>
  12. offering 800k for it
  13. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <t>Hi I would like to buy the lvl 12 happiny with your quoted price. I tried to /friend you but you aren't on. Could you kindly contact me if ur on</t>
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