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Everything posted by Deathios

  1. Re: Selling Adamant Aron (31 atk/31 speed/30 hp/great defences) <r>1m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  2. Re: Selling Adamant Aron (31 atk/31 speed/30 hp/great defences) <r>850k! <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  3. Re: WTS Epic Chimchar Adamant <r><QUOTE author="Zwettl"><s> </e></QUOTE> well your offer is the best by now but lets see a few days how its goin <E>:Shy:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  4. Bid starts at: 1m Insta: 4.5m (no poke trades only cash or valuable items) :thanks: if the offer doesnt satisfiy me then im not selling him... :Exclam: (the best offer wins) :y: SOLD INSTA in game thnx everyone for your interesting! :)
  5. thnx for the offer mate but is not reach the amount im looking for :) :thanks: thnx for your interesting! :Grin:
  6. sorry mate then we can't make this deal :) only what i answer you and clearly said at the description! have a nice day :Exclam: :thanks:
  7. well show me your gyara but i prefer cash most or only valuable items/poke they can reach the amount of price i looking for :Exclam: :thanks:
  8. Heyo Everyone :Grin: There is some epic and decent poke feel free to buy everything you like most :Exclam: No time limits only best offer wins on bids! :thanks: Goodra Epic {SOLD} Banette Epic {SOLD) Arcanine Insta: 150k Tangrowth {SOLD) Gyarados Epic Insta: 300k Swellow Epic Insta 350k
  9. Bid Starts at: 8m Insta 12m if the offer doesnt satisfiy me then im not selling him... :Exclam: (the best offer wins) :y:
  10. Bid Starts: 2m Insta: 5m :Exclam: if the offer doesnt satisfiy me then im not selling him :Exclam:
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