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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 1 ms will last you 30 days. if you can't make 500k in 30 days, you're doing something wrong, plus the added benefits of MS pokes, MS hunting areas and the bonus xp and gold make it still worth that price. There are more pokes for sale, causing more inflation. More emphasis on PVP pokes causing large sums of money to switch hands often. There are many factors to the price changes, not the least of which being, if people are buying the MS for 500k, then they will keep being sold for that price. If no one buys them at that price, the sellers will drop the price. If you're upset about the price that much, buy yourself 10 ms, sell them for 300k and watch everyone lower their price too. The economy is perfectly stable it just favors the people who are more farmed and understand the supply and demand of the server. Still waiting on that auction house though, pretty please?
  2. Prez

    Oh man..

    someone told me to change servers and it worked!
  3. Prez

    Oh man..

    So I haven't logged in since last December, and now I can't seem to log into either of my accounts, is all my stuff gone?
  4. Re: [(S)Rhyhorn,(S)Cleffa,Heracross Guts...Big update 29/11/2015!!!] VNS2 HUNTER's SHOP <t>I'm online now</t>
  5. Re: Yuki and Dadlife shop:HUNTING SEASON, WE WILL BRING U EVEN MORE EPICS WHEN WE RETURN <t>I am online, plz meet me?</t>
  6. Re: Yuki and Dadlife shop:Auctioning Epic 2 sneasel And azuril <t>I'm online and can meet to pay for my umbreon whenever, just pm me</t>
  7. Re: Yuki and DadLife Shop- Home Of Epic Pokemon (updated new pokemon and b.o) <t>I'll match the starting price on umbreon.</t>
  8. I would love that Gengar sig if it's not spoken for :D
  9. Re: Death's Shop - Added 31 31 salamance jolly <t>ms for Bagon 1?</t>
  10. Re: Bella's PokéPound! Updated Accepted Offers. <t>150k snorunt<br/> 50k 1st slakoth<br/> 50k duskull</t>
  11. Ty for coins (trusted seller, of course)
  12. I did that too, then went back with a 100 team, and he talks about how he's going to fight me, then says "you're not ready" again
  13. How did you even get him to fight you? he goes through the speech for me, and then changes his mind last second, I was told it wasn't implemented yet.
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