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  1. Basc0


    PRO Username: Basc0 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? How can I go to the hoenn ? Or Hoenn isn't still ready or in update ? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message
  2. Basc0


    Oh, okay thank you guys. :)
  3. Basc0


    PRO Username: Basc0 Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message PRO Username: Basc0 Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hello, im starting playing PRO and i see 2 servers Blue and Red. What is better or it's same ? Blue have differences than Red server ?
  4. Basc0


    The layers shown in PROLayersTemplate file are the basic ones. Can i download others PROLayersTemplate beacause i didn't see in forum.
  5. Basc0


    Oh okay :thanks: for answer . Wow only 4 layers this is incredibly... but you can put water/floor/trees only in specific layer or in all layers ?
  6. Basc0


    Hi, what must I do when i want be a mapper ? I have a lot of time ! I want be a mapper because I don't have any hobby. I want be a mapper because i love pokemon games and your game has very good future :Heart: . I have experience from "Mapping Contest" , but I had only 4 layers so that wasn't good for perfect map but I test it and it's very interesting :Grin: . I will be very happy if you give me a chance . :thanks:
  7. I will buy eevee for 2K ok ? :Grin:
  8. OK i have 120 owned pokemons so GM can block this topic
  9. Hi , i have problem. I can't travel to Love Island :Heart: but I have 121 Owned pokemons and 41 Evolved. Please help me someone. :thanks:
  10. Can i download it like custom client ? :D It's very nice good job :Grin:
  11. Hi, i defeat elite4 johto and what do i now ? I can go to hoenn or must wait if admins add this region ? :)
  12. Basc0


    Thx guys of tips :)
  13. Basc0


    Hi, how i can evolve my piloswine to mamoswine ? or where i can find ancient power ?
  14. Hello may i ask you a question? I just defeated elite4 and i just got into Johto region and only pokemons were reseted. Is it right? Things like TM's,HM's, bike and old rod...(potions,money,key items) just stick with me. Thanks for your answer.
  15. Basc0


    Hi, i have one question, can u please reset my profile in game ? Because i must defeat elite 4 and i dont have chance, i try so much times but all the time failed and i dont have chance to defeat elite 4 bc with my pokemon's and i have 0 money for buy potions and revieves bc if i start play pokemon i dotn save my money for elite 4.., if u reset my profile i can play new "life" in pokemon i will try better training my pokemon's and i be up to for new start :Grin:
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