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Posts posted by Miyoumu

  1. The less TMs you have access to the more you have to pay with in-game currency.

    When you have a membership you get more Pokedollars.

    Once again another way to jew their playerbase out of their money.


    This is no way to keep an MMO economy alive, its the creators being insufferable with their marketing.

  2. Apparently not, they're too busy thinking of ways to make people pay for the mounts. i.e not allowing fly outside of battle and making a bike cost an absurd amount of money.


    They need to get their priorities straight.


    Make the game playable first; THEN jew people out of their money.

  3. 38597 when server is down its for like a few minutes, i dont see that trouble..

    Anyway we are donating this $5. But if the server will be down for like a day for that they should give us a day more, dont care about few minutes, hours.


    Thought that was a given. Hours and minutes are understandable but if its ever a day or more at a time and starts to add up then eh...

  4. 38593
    38591 It is a beta server, crashes can happen.


    And yet they also accept payment for time based purchases. Doesn't make it okay.


    You "donate", you dont pay. There is a slight difference, that doesnt mean tho that devs dont want to compensate, i dont have any informations regarding that issue atm.


    I understand that. Which is why I tried to make it clear that I didn't make this post to demand that they heed to our every demand. Just as a suggestion that it would be a good thing to do. I payed very close attention to the fact that this is a /suggestion/ thread.


    Love PRO and everything about it. Its just things like this require attention.

  5. While the shop and membership idea is modest.

    It needs to be refined.


    Like I mentioned in another post as the servers are now there is no compensation for people that have payed 5 dollars for 30 days membership boosts and as it is there is no reason to ever pay 5 dollars again. Or rather, thats probably what some or most people are thinking.


    Regardless, I believe there are two ways to go about fixing this.


    Whereas it would be understandably hard to do this; Compensate players by adding time back to their membership for the time that the server is down. If this isn't doable there are certainly other ways to compensate. The big thing here is literally compensating what people payed for.


    The less potent way to go about fixing this or rather, once again, compensating is to give members login priority or their own server (once again probably understandably difficult and out of the question.


    The main point of this post isn't to force ideas down your throats as developers as everything you come across is definitely a challenge. Its more so just to make you aware that there needs to be something done for the paying player-base with memberships, especially if servers go down frequently.

  6. 38582 hello admin.

    what is pro sever?


    Wrong area to be posting something like this, regardless of the fact that this shouldn't even be a question.


    PRO Server stands for

    Pokemon Revolution Online server.

    Its the general server that everyone is supposed to play on.

  7. Its not.


    The only way to fix this issue with donators/customers is to either

    1) Resupply them time that they miss through server issues (especially if its recurring like it is right now)


    and a less potent fix is:

    2) Giving them login priority or at least their own server.

  8. 38554
    38552 They're trying to waste our membership days so we feel inclined to pay another 5 dollars just to get the days we missed back.



    I paid 5 bucks but didn't get membership myself, instead I've got a mount and a radioactive suit! :P

    Still wish I've had enough for Lapras Mount too, though...


    Wow! I payed 10 dollars for a membership and a mount just to sit in a login screen for 48 hours. :Shy:

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