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Posts posted by Ryokolol

  1. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players!


    <t>My IGN is Ryokolol and currently i have 462 hours of playtime.<br/>

    My favourite poke is Lugia, i guess because silver was my fav game when is was still young.<br/>

    Ofcourse i´ll be able to join Discord.<br/>

    Why should you accept me to your guild? I like to think im a chill person who likes to help others.<br/>

    I feel like your guild has likeminded people thats why im applying, im just lookin for a chill place to hang out, because soloplay is kinda meh. If you have any questions i´ll hapilly talk to you ingame/pm on the forums.</t>

  2. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting Now!


    <t>1. What is your IGN?<br/>

    - Ryokolol<br/>

    2. How many hours of game play do you have?<br/>

    - 427<br/>

    3. Why do you want to join?<br/>

    - My old guild fell apart D: i need a place with fun people and you seem like the best place to be at.<br/>

    4. Do you use Discord?<br/>

    - I dont atm. But if thats what we use i see no problem in using it from now on :><br/>

    5. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list?<br/>

    - Lugia is love :3</t>

  3. Hey everyone, im looking for a adamant larvitar with sandstream and decent iv.

    You can friend/pm me ingame or respond here, pls post the poke and a price that you think would be fitting.


    cheers ^o^


    Edit : Found a seller with a decent Pokemon, thx to everyone who messaged me!

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