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  1. Thank you very much, you helped a lot! :Grin:
  2. There are no Ghost or Dark TM abilities? Oh man... :Shocked:
  3. Thanks for your answers. So yeah, I just have to grind Umbreon into victory. And what would be the best way to level from 50-60 in Kanto? Am I being dumb by just killing stuff in Seaform cavern 4F over and over!? (Basically level 30-40 pokémon, often times Dewgong, Slowbro and Golbat which are good exp). And last question: Is TM Shadow Ball in Celadon Game Mart? Or Where?
  4. Progressing in this game was a pretty smooth sail and I was enjoying it a lot, until I got to Sabrina. Then I hit a major road block. My team was all level ~45 with the highest one being 50, and I was absolutely slaughtered by Sabrina. I went ahead and killing all the remaining swimmers, did Seafoam and Power Plant, leveled up to the point where my team is now all 52~58, switched a weak pokémon for a Gyarados... and still no go! So now I realize that I won't be able to beat her until all of my team is level 60 and that I necessarily need an Umbreon to have a chance. I don't get it - which is she such a road block, with a curve of difficulty way, WAY ahead any other gym leader's? I wish I had more trainers I could beat or a better way to grind tham Seamfoam 4F, too.
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