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About Mubinz

  • Birthday May 30

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  1. Welcome to PRO and i hope we meet in the game
  2. what's your name in the game
  3. Glad to know
  4. Well i use already blue but still too many players
  5. That's what i want to say but looks like somebody did already
  6. To join a guild you should play 200 hours
  7. This is a bug
  8. If doesn't work then it crushed and there is another to get rare candy. Go to that city next to pewter city look around and you will find a pokeball which is rare candy, plus go there every 5 or 6 days. Good Luck :Smile: :Smile:
  9. Go to route 16 to train
  10. [highlight]23. Team Rocket have set up again -_- any advice on easily maneuvering past their teleport puzzle? - Unfortunetly this is hard to explain since it is purely based on memory since the developers love to block team rocket bases off after you have cleared them :< - Start on the 5th or 6th floor i can't remember and head south to a section where there is a room to your right and left both with a team rocket member gaurding - Take the teleporter in the left building and from here you should have a one way path straight to the people you have to manage - Keep in mind you are allowed to loose to Gary and when you come back he will leave after talking to him so you can take on Giovanni[/highlight] You don't start from 5th or 6th and head south. You start from 3th and head south
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