Sorry, that's too low for me
I'll take the offer on simisage, rapidash too low offer imo. let me know when you're online or pm me ingame when i am to trade simisage
Hey all,
I'd like to buy a timid 31 speed voltorb/electrode with hp ice.
Other iv preferably also good but as long as speed is 31 and spatk 25+ I'm interested
+1, should make the search on the computer just the same as search in pokedex. Not being able to find a nidoran-m or rotom-wash is annoying, as is typing cofagrigus
That pop-up for a shiny would have saved me a shiny azurill, so yeah i can agree on that
I would love to a black absol sprite sometime, although the suggestion may be a bit late since halloween has already passed.
I love the look of the black absol mount, and considering pink ninetales got a sprite I think it would be cool to get a black absol someday
I got in pro by downloading sandboxie and starting the PRO client with sandboxie and as admin
Ive got the same problem, and starting as admin doesn't help it only changes the error message