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Pkmtrainerakg's Achievements



  1. Magikarp and Gyarados :Crazy:
  2. After i defeated the third gym leader in johto, i played the game normally, until the part when a guard give you a spearow with a mail as an equipped object. I runned to the pokemon center, turned on the PC, and there was the spearow, but it did'nt had the mail. i relogged but it was the same, then i restarted the client and nothing. Now i'm stucked in that part because of the spearow, can someone tell me what to do?. Thanks.
  3. Thanks so much man, they're gone :D
  4. I tried to drag a growlithe lv 33 from my pc to the pm, and it get stucked. I did it two more times to be sure if that was the reason, and it was. Now i have 3 growlithe icons stucked in my screen and i don't know how to remove them. I already have relogged, try to drag the icon, released the pokemon and changed area, and it didn't worked at all. I already have the 8 kanto badges and i don't want to create another account, so please help me and send me a solution. Thanks.
  5. Welcome to PRO man! It would be good to have a battle with ya :D
  6. Man, can i join?. I got 10 hours of playing (because i started to play in June 26) and i wanna be the very best :D
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