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Everything posted by Chrisbu

  1. Thanks guys! Bit late reply but whatever ^^
  2. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Shiny Stone + King's Rock] <r><QUOTE author="Austin"><s> </e></QUOTE> Duskstone is held by Murcrow at route 18 (only met at night).</r>
  3. ATK + SPEED Go to Lavender Town inside the tower, go to the floor above the nurse i think its maybe F4, kill pattrat, rattata, spinark, only 1 point each so bit slow but almost 100% chance to meet one of them, and nurse 5 sec away so pretty nice. Its also gengars and ghastly so for sp.atk it might work on another floor, havent tried.
  4. Hey everybody, i'm Chrisbu. I'm not gonna write anything special about me but i like the idea of just saying hi, its cool. See you all in game
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