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About Rastakiller

  • Birthday 01/06/1989

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. ...
  2. hi... where are you?
  3. Insta for Muhdnadim ty for all players
  4. Look this trayners Dark Team!
  5. Wtb Good Conke or evo atk 30+ / def spdef and hp 25+
  6. Pvp ready épic ivs - Start bid 500k insta 2m Accept cc 400k - Nature rerol 350k - Rare Candy 5k 24h B.O after the first offer
  7. eu tenho uma dúvida, sobre a regra 4,2 cláusula "E", não a entendi direito
  8. hi, i have one.... 31 speed and 28 spatk
  9. Epic Alakazam, hp fire, pvp ready... Start bid 1,5m insta 3m accept: cc = 300k, HW pokes end bid 72h after the first offer...
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