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Everything posted by Rastakiller

  1. ...
  2. hi... where are you?
  3. Insta for Muhdnadim ty for all players
  4. Look this trayners Dark Team!
  5. Wtb Good Conke or evo atk 30+ / def spdef and hp 25+
  6. Pvp ready épic ivs - Start bid 500k insta 2m Accept cc 400k - Nature rerol 350k - Rare Candy 5k 24h B.O after the first offer
  7. eu tenho uma dúvida, sobre a regra 4,2 cláusula "E", não a entendi direito
  8. hi, i have one.... 31 speed and 28 spatk
  9. Epic Alakazam, hp fire, pvp ready... Start bid 1,5m insta 3m accept: cc = 300k, HW pokes end bid 72h after the first offer...
  10. wtb rattata alolan, jolly or adamant, good ivs 15-25 pay 100-300k
  11. ohhhh sry, gl
  12. i on now come to safron pls
  13. i m online now talk to me
  14. Sry brow i sell this conke... But i have other guts.
  15. Start Bid 500k, Insta 2m minimun bid 100k 5 days later the first offer Slaking with moveset your choice!
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