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Everything posted by Refandra

  1. Ye i already do it but when i done beat forest master i use escape rope before left from the boss forest is that a problem? I already received the forest gem
  2. Beat wishiwashi and put poke 100-199 kg 200-299 kg and 300kg+ right?
  3. Ye ik i already get all the gem
  4. I already beat forest master but i cant go to matsuki castle
  5. Auction end garchomp sold by clacatcha medicham sold by manemejia
  6. So=500k min bid 100k So=600k min bid 100k Accept = Cc=380k rr=720k nature rr=350k Auction 48 hours after start
  7. So=1m Min bid=200k Insta=7m Accept = Cc=380k rr=720k nature rr=350k Auction 72 hours/3 day after start
  8. Co 400k by shaoyuming 12 hours left
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