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Posts posted by Myuumyuu

  1. 308840 Wow, these look amazing!! You really are skilled!!

    Thank you dear, that's really sweet of you >3<

    Sadly I rarely draw, never really much inspired... x.x For a dozen years of drawing practice, this is actually not so good. *looks at deviantart people and cries*

    I should really draw more D: Btw added 2 more just now.

  2. Well halloween was a let down.

    MAYBE you did not notice the staff drop? :D I come from a GarrysMod server where i'm mod, it's a "Big" community compared to other Gmod ones, and sort of the same thing happened there. many staff had real life problems, so new playermodels could not be added in weeks, and everyone just raged all over the forums and ingame blaming staff without even thinking or asking. i know it's not easy to get new staff, idk how its here, but in gmod you have to learn rules, spend a lot of tiem ingame, then apply, and get enough upvotes by players and staff.

    and that's only a relatively "tiny"server where staff basicially only have 5 commands... mute, gag, warn, kick, ban. plus a tiny bit of forum work. if you look at the scale of this game, all the rules, all the rulebreaks that could happen... and all the abuse as you saw with spawning shiny Poke. you need to build up trust to the new possible staff. and trust cannot be bought, or won over night.

    if you take all those things into consideration, and that i guess staff here volunteer and dont get paid, having irl jobs /school/a real life in general.. you might maybe choose to not be so harsh with someone who is trying their best. I know the feeling, i can relate, and i know it could look much worse in this situation. at least they leave us hope for the future :Shy:

    ehhe sorry for long text xD damnit girl you wanted to keep this short ;_; <3

  3. 279730


    I am not sure about that. :Grin: I just did it. I'm so glad that I helped to you. This may not apply to every Pokemon. So be careful for breloom. It will not work. In the following days I heard that they will run for it. Good days ^^


    I have this problem with my lv 100 Breloom cause I evolved it early, before it would learn Spore. I had Stun Spore the whole time, but was never able to learn Spore after.

    So if people value their sleep-casting Breloom, don't evolve it early ;/

    I only did cause I needed fighting moves in my team, and din't know there was a move relearner yet (was more afraid I'd not be able to get fighting moves later lol)

    But yeah rip, now it will never have Spore. If Parasect can still get it though, that's great =o


  4. 279665

    kadabra used an ability which copies my ability, hence it coppied frisk.

    i capture the kadabra..

    i go to my pc and check the kadabra. the kadabra has frisk ability!!!! which is not in his 3 abilities. is this intended???


    O.o Oh my, you might have discovered a bug there? XD

    Can you maybe take a screenshot

    (print screen key, put it in Paint, cut, save, upload to any image uploading website

    (imgur - postimg - tinypic )) , then post it here with raw%20img%20url ?

    Or did it maybe go away after a relog? (not sure how this works here xD)

    Sounds like something that should be fixed before someone abuses it, especially for PVP xD

    Can you try to use the same attack on a Wild Poke as well? Role Play should be the name.

  5. Game stopped working(as it does almost half of the times u hunt for a long time and try to go to items) when I found a wild Trapinch after 5+hours of search..

    Any ideas how to prevent this.. Don't wanna spend an entire day just for this to happen :(


    I know a solution against it crashing the client, against freezing yeah people said, open your bag every now and then.

    I never do it, and often regret it x'D

    Gainst crashing , though, on both android and Pc:

    When it freezes, don't touch anything. Don't click, don't tab out. It will usually not crash if you do it like that.

    Worst case scenario you'd get kicked after 7 min afk, I once got back at 6 min ... heart attack x.x

    But yeah, open bag, and if it freezes, no touchie until it works again :Smile:

  6. i have a few people on my list that are online and not invis yet i cant see them ,same with when they log online it tells me yet dont show on the list Just thought ill bring it up


    I have the same problems, there's even a person I've been wanting to delete forever, I keep seeing them go online, but they never actually are in my list for me to remove. Wondering if /friend works, or would make them suspicious XD I tried, will see if it works if I don't keep seing him login.

    Hope that will get fixed some time :P

  7. I just have a fight with the first NPC Trainer in Cerulean Gym and in Mid-battle, I got log out for no reason. And when I try log in to log in, it took forever!

    Please re-point my account. :Frown:



    I've had that a few times as well, also that it takes a while to login. My friend does too, more often than me.

    The log out either is because the server went down, because your internet had troubles, or - if you are using windows 10 - it can be problems with that.

    While the first possibility was already linked to you in forum of a status checker, the latter one concerning Windows 10 could be fixed here.

    If that does not help, I talked to a GM and he suggested that you download "Driver Booster" which updates all your drivers that usually nobody updates, like sound/mouse and all, as it could be a result from outdated drivers as well.

    Hope one of that was able to help you, if it's not already better by now (I sometimes have laggy moments as well D:)

    ~ :Heart:

  8. 277521 Signed up for five days and just wanted to say hello :Grin:

    Im playing on the Yellow Server.

    Very nice what i´ve seen so far from this game, keep up the good work!


    I´m also looking for a German Guild on the Yellow Server to have some people to play together :)


    Perhaps we see us somewhere ingame, have a nice evening :Smile:


    Hey, welcome another German to this game x3

    This game really IS very nice, it reminds me of good old times in Pokemoncrater and Chrystall Stadt, they were similar, if you don't know them =o

    But this one has much more content, and nicer players of course ;3 Also more active staff to take care of everything.

    I'm sure you will enjoy your time here, if you have questions, also something in German, feel free to let me know!


  9. Good day PRO players,


    I have decided that my current state of being at work for PRO leads to a liability, but I am still so in love with the game that it keeps on bringing me back, so I am here for now just to enjoy the game and keep up with whatever is happening and/or going to happen. I hope to keep in touch with everyone whom I have spoken to in the past year. For the staffteam's information - I have lost my skype account so I should find a way to contact you peeps back in the future so I hope! I see PRO is still making awesome progress and this for me is awesome to know. Anyway I have restarted my toon and I am planning to make a brand new start and finish the game as far as the regions are added at this moment. Be sure to leave me a message for if you would like to get to know my whereabouts or personal interest. I hope to be a part of a Guild in the future and enjoy the game as much as possible, whilst meeting awesome people.



    Cheers and see you inside the game!



    Hello, Sinnay, I haven't been here for long so I don't know you from back then, but it's nice to have you here again ^-^

    I love your topic title, and oh god, your signature made me laugh. I got many funny SS like that, this game is awesome for it x'D

    wow_by_rabenfeder-dajb4qj.png That's all I'm saying.


    I actually Slashed the police officer down on accident, selecting Weavile instead of Paras' sleep... oops...

    If you have more funny SS, feel free to send me those haha, I love em x3


    Enjoy your time here again, and always welcome to chat with me ^-^~


  10. 265324 I am Wangjahangug, first of all sorry if my english bad, i played multiple poke online games before, i got everything there, shiny pokes, million of dollar moneeyy, you know, walking around with gold chain on my neck, but the dev of the game is so disappointing that game is so dead, like i am talking about ghost town, 1 or no player walking around so i quit that game and said to myself i wont let myself addicted to any poke game anymore.


    I rest about 7 months from playing any online games and play offline games, but now im bored so here we go again, im back to online game, haha, so new beginning, back to poor start, no money, no shiny pokes, thanks to all the people helping me on help channel even though sometimes i mad if people dont answer my question. Omaigadd. Haha. See you guys in game ! :Grin:


    Hey, and welcome to PRO :3


    Haha, I also played a few online-Pokemon games before, like Pokemoncrater, Crystall City, etc... I always loved those, and also had tons of rares, shinies, and on crater they had other versions of "shinies", like Dark, Metallic, Ghostly... Had lots of those too, and I got really sad when it was taken down. Then this year, I discovered PRO and was really happy that I did, cause I haven't been able to stop playing since then :D


    I'm sure you will get a lot of money and find shinies again soon, as to money making, I read this wonderful guide by Daeon after I joined.


    It helped me tons, hope it will help you too, enjoy your time here c:


  11. 276497 Hello all! I'm Manachan, new player in the Pokémon Revolution Online game!

    I wanted to say Hi to everyone that, well, that cared to read this I guess, and that I hope to see you all, maybe, in game!

    I'm a new player, so I don't really know much about the game at this time, except for having played a tiny bit before.

    Either way, not much to say here without seeming or sounding weird, may we all have fun together! :Heart:


    Hello, Manachan, and welcome to PRO ^-^

    Glad so many girls are introducing themselves here =o

    I hope you will have a great time here, if you're on Blue maybe I'll even see you in game c:

    You're from the Netherlands? O3O I go there or to Belgium for the weekend sometimes, and my first holiday was in Holland, loved it x3

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me :3


  12. Hello everybody :Grin: ,

    My name is Rita and I am playing PRO since 1 week.

    The game is fabulous :Heart:

    I am searching for a german guild on the yellow server, if anyone know a german guild, please message me.


    Lovely Rita :kiss:


    Hello, and welcome to PRO ^-^

    Ohh, another German girl *w*

    Now I'm sad I'm not on yellow server, but on Blue D= I actually only know one German I talked to there, but he is a staff @_@

    We also have a FAQ if you should have questions, and a Live chat :3

    I'm also open for questions about anything, like if you need to know something in German o3o

    Enjoy your time here!

  13. 253934 Hi guys!


    Even though Ive been playing for a while -200h cough-, I thought Id say an official HI in here.

    So yea, hi.


    Hopefully ill see u in the blue server sometime!

    Cheers :Heart:



    Heyy, and welcome on Forums *-*


    Haha, I also introduced myself late, but better late than never =P

    It's good to see another girl once in a while, and glad to hear you're from Blue as well :3

    Did I hear cat lover? O_O I have tons of Cat pics and videos from my friend's cats, eeh (my parents are allergic, so I can't have one myself ;c )

    Here, have one of them ^-^



    We should totally talk ingame some time OwO

  14. Hi Team,


    After session of farming, i deleted my pokemon in the pc it's a mistake very very bad mistake !!!!!!!


    Please could you help me in this case .... i wanna cry :Frown:







    First off, sorry to hear, the same actually happened to me a few days ago. I released my starter on accident D:

    I asked a staff member, and they told me to open a ticket in General Complaint Area.

    As long as you have its ID, like you do, and it was not longer than a week ago, they will be able to retrieve it. Just make sure to include that.

    Good luck, hope you can get it back soon ^-^ :Smile:

  15. 278438


    Where can I find Rick? :)


    Challenger Rick is in one of the houses on the East side of town. You get there by walking up the ladder on the right side of the Pokemon Center, then take the second ladder down, walk down, then it's the first house there.

    You have to complete either Magma or Aqua side quest first, though, before he lets you submit anything.

  16. 276245 but since the most recent update, it appears many errors in the game as disconnection status when I'm playing and condition occurs much lag uncountable, I only played for about 2-3 minutes and it will come off or it will lag



    I've basicially heard the same thing from my friend yesterday. He said he logged in, for a bit it was fine, then he lagged and disconnected for no reason. He tried the same again (fighting E4) and once again, dced without a warning. I was playing at the same time, and for me it was fine...

    He's only had it since this update as well.

    Are you playing on Windows 10 by any chance?

    A GM told me that maybe his drivers are not updated, he said "Try do download Drive Booster, it's a software that updates all your drivers that usually noone updates, like sound / mouse and all"

    Maybe that can help you! I also play on Windows 10, it disconnects me few times too, I also get black screens on loading sometimes. But I just close and open the client again then, but it's annoying when it was in a battle DX

    Hope that'll work for you!


  17. 277290 other people might abuse this bug


    How exactly did you do that, do you remember by any chance?

    Cause I saw someone ingame 2 days ago claiming they had accidentally duplicated an item and didn't know how, it was a Rare Candy I think, and later the same happened with a Macho Brace.

    If it can happen to holdable items like it did with him, then yes, it can be abused...

    So if you know how it happened, that could maybe help them ^-^

  18. Okie, I will add more to this later, but :D


    First my gift for Lune x3






    More to be added in a few ^-^



    To celebrate the new beautiful Milotic mounts:




    Gonna get both, I absolutely love them <3 They remind me of my Shiny bred and nonshiny 6IV in Gen 6. :3



    Charizard is still my fav Pokemon, I was so happy when he got his Mega forms, I love both of them :3

    (I got an unfinished team of Y as painting... Rip. xD Charizard Y, Yveltal, Sylveon, shiny Milotic, Fennekin [lv 100 :P] and Valefor-uh, Noivern =P)


    But as for Char X:







    A bit of an older one, one of my first paintings. Got addicted to the Zoroark movie back then!






    My very first "painting", don't think I coloured much on PC before. Even this was in some nooby program "Open Canvas" :D







    First Photoshop/Illustrator drawing. I did this in my work experience in 2010... Now when I look at it, I feel like it's better than most of my art... But I had a "professional" help me, after all x'D ... and I only used SAI since then, for the most part Q_Q





    ~more really soon~





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