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  • Career
    Electronics engineering
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  • Occupation
    Electronics engineering

Vylehean's Achievements



  1. Re: Chimera [Red Server] ~ Recruiting <t>Sure! :)</t>
  2. Re: Chimera [Red Server] ~ Recruiting <t>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Vylehean<br/> 2. Why do you want to join this guild? Tired to play alone, my old guild is currently dead<br/> 3. How old are you? Where do you come from? im 24, proud to be italian, i'm sorry for my terrible english, im trying to learn it properly.<br/> 4. How many hours of gameplay do you have? How many badges do you have? i've 122 hours and every badge, just miss hoenn league.<br/> 5. What type of player are you? (ex: a person who hunts and sells pokes, a pvp person, collects pokemons for the joy of it, etc.) i like to be a pvp player but haven't done it yet on pro.<br/> 6. What's your favorite pokemon? What's your favorite Legendary Dog? My favourite pokemon is Arcanine, and about legendary pokemon is fine Arcanine aswell? :)) joke i think the best is entei.</t>
  3. Ah cavolo! congratulazioni :) :)
  4. Scusate ragazzi ma in questa gilda non c'è nessuno on, è veramente attiva?...
  5. Non ero on hehe fammi sapere per che ora torni online oggi così mi collego anchio anche solo per essere gildato! :D
  6. certo, buonaserata!
  7. Emh c'è qualcuno per gildare ora? :P
  8. ok! a dopo allora
  9. Fammi sapere quando ci sei e dove incontrarci! nel frattempo buon game a tutti
  10. Salve a tutti sono Vylehean mi piacerebbe essere gildato da voi ^^ ho tutte le medaglie di kanto e devo "solo" battere la lega! ho circa 30hr di gioco!
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