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About Howlyn

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  1. ● What's your Name/IGN? Howlyn ● What's your Discord? Howlyn#1111 ● How old are you? I'm 25. ● Are you active in Discord? I've been using Discord for a few years, and yup, daily! ● Where are you from? I'm from France. ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? I actually just returned to the game after a 2.5 years break. I do play on week-ends mostly, a few hours during the week depending on the mood. ● What's your goal in PRO? I'd like to build teams to defeat each of the PvE bosses, also complete the dex, catch the legendaries and everything that isn't PvP related. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? It seems to be an active guild that held well over the years. It looks chill yet well-managed. I'm looking for an active community who would make me love the game even more. You guys also have a reward system, which is one thing I tried to design for my own guild about 2 years ago. That's something I really care about. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Suicune! It looks majestic. Do I need to say more? Check out my ever-growing Suicune cards collection if you don't trust me. ● What's your favorite animal and why? Suicunes... waiwhat?
  2. Really love this merit system. Might definitely apply later!
  3. Hey hey, My girlfriend "Howlin" hand-drew this, then coloured it. Scanned. Hope it's fine if I post for her! IGN : Howlin Server : Blue + Imgur link if needed
  4. I removed some extra bbcode, added some blanks and glowing effects here and there, also centered the whole guide, sort of.
  5. Thanks everyone! Anything needs to be updated? I haven't been following PRO news.
  6. As I am currently inactive, if someone wants to copy/paste the guide in another topic and update it, feel free to do it!
  7. Bump for my cuties. :kiss:
  8. Hey there, just to clarify to people who knew Midnight when I was in charge... Well, I'm not in charge anymore for IRL reasons, so I gave the leadership to Lili! She re-worked the guild and she is proposing something new, so make sure to check it out. :Grin: Good luck my Midnighties!
  9. Simply choose between a set of 3 uniforms. And then the guild master can add its own colours to some parts (pre-sets), like it works for logos ? It's simplified this way, but maybe still hard to implement IG.
  10. Feels so tempting to infiltrate them, uncover their ign identities and report them as soon as the last one reveals himself... :devil: Not so hard to find the forum + the Discord of the botting program used on PRO. Found it after a 5 seconds google search. And the link to their Discord seems to be public (no inscription required to see the link), so...
  11. Hey everyone, Red just answered, he changed it. So now, image shouldn't be resized as before. Thanks a lot to him. :Grin:
  12. Re: The Gathering - Coming soon <r>Good luck with the guild!<br/> <br/> Don't forget to change your signature. <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  13. Grindy games usually don't match with people having a job. Well, it does if you don't plan on playing competitively. Even though you could still resell coins and buy the PvP/"PvE"-ready Pokemons. So yeah, the grind is a pain without membership (levelling pokemons, not hunting them).
  14. +1 :y: I was actually sad when I saw there was no option for it.
  15. Hey there, Make sure to open a topic on this sub-forum if you are looking for a guild : Looking for a guild subforum Don't forget to tell everyone your server. :Grin:
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