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About Mat1122

  • Birthday 01/22/1995

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Mat1122's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. K, mate, you won! Add/Contact me in-game to trade (:
  2. Bump again, 11h left!
  3. Bump! 30h left!
  4. Re: WTS Hidden Ability Salamence~ <t>I start with 500k.<br/> Also, pm me to discuss insta.</t>
  5. I buy insta. PM me when you enter.
  6. You know the rules, guys. It started with 800k from Vnbaby IN-GAME I accept offers for insta here or in-game too. 48h left initially. CO: 800K INSTA: Looking for offers.
  7. Then do you have starting price? A timer would help me bid more also. yeah at least have a starting price in mind. Besides they are flooding the market as we speak, I've seen way better ones sell for under 3m. just an input. Time will be 24h after starting offer, I will start with 1m. 3m5 is just a simbolic value, as said, I'm willing to negotiate.
  8. Sorry, friend, I am looking for a little more.
  9. The PVP one, mate. Just a starting offer for a auction (:
  10. Re: WTS Nice HA Breloom <t>750k again.<br/> Also, can you pm me to discuss insta?</t>
  11. Re: WTS Nice HA Breloom <t>650k (:</t>
  12. 500k dragonite. also, would you be interested in bold ha gothita for trade?
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