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Everything posted by Tucanoalbino

  1. Just to add: Dusk Stone can be obtained using dig on Route 15's cracks
  2. Just a n00b question: How can I know if the wild pokemon is helding a item or not?
  3. Re: Obtainable Legendary Recatch/Rebattle Until Caught <t>I mean: if the player had the patience to try and retry months for a good IV legendary it whould be a hell of an achievment that combine luck and persistence. And it has the same chances to get a good IV for a Legendary as the others rare pokemons you know... And great IV legendaries will still be rare in market</t>
  4. Re: Obtainable Legendary Recatch/Rebattle Until Caught <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> This point is very wrong as purpose of Legend pokemon in PRO as it is unique and only as reward for sense of process ingame only. If players want this feature, so PvP should be not allow for these legend then... In other word, you have guarantee for get perfect legend pokemon is so wrong...<e> </e></QUOTE> I think I don't understand correct what you said. You are saying that legendary pokemons in PRO are like achievements in Steam that don't matter much in gameplay? Like a social status just like shines?</r>
  5. Maybe using the same code for happiness? When you trade the happiness come back at the catch value. I liked the OPs idea. If you are the only one seeing, why not?
  6. Re: Obtainable Legendary Recatch/Rebattle Until Caught <t>I was thinking about the cooldown too. 1 month maybe will be too long, but I agree with this. for the IVs and the recach, I don't think it is too gready to want a legendary for PvP btw. I think the cooldown between battles and having only one legendary per species will do the trick. If he whant a better, for example, Mew's IVs he must release his acctual Mew and wait for the cooldown.</t>
  7. I relogged in the server and I was back in Lavender Town btw
  8. First time goin' to Lavender Town, when I could not enter in the tower but I tried to. This happened: [it was in the Red Server if this matters]
  9. Yes, now I can, thanks ^^
  10. Well, I was comming back to Pallete City and an npc started the dialog>battle that we all know. The thing is: when the battle shoud start I got logged out and now can't get back into the server. It seens like a bug so I reported it here. :confused:
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