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Posts posted by Mrblizzard

  1. Hello dear admins and fellow members,

    Im a tad confused about the whole billing deal. I've just charged 10$ from Paypal onto my account on Red Server, but the money doesn't show up.

    I know it says "This might take a while" but I am not clear whether it meant the paypal loading or the cash to transfer onto the account.

    Am I supposed to do any specific action in order to confirm my purchases?

    Thanks in advance!



    EDIT: Nevermind, just got my load, thank you anyways ^^

  2. 39011 Copyright law is a very interesting (and shady) topic if you're a lawyer.

    Basically in some countries you don't break the copyright if what you're doing is free and only accept donations. PRO is free becasue it doesn't produce profit for the staff and only acccepts donations which it spends on maintaining itself.

    Also, to be more secure, Pokemon MMOs are never leave the "beta" phase as in most of the countries only the final product can break copyright law, so as long as the game is "unfinished", it can't be considered as a law-breaking product.

    That's how all the Pokemon MMOs work and Nintendo and GameFreak can do not much to stop them. They found a way in the past however, naming their officially licensed game Omega Sapphire they forced Pokemon Omega to be closed because the naming was too similar.

    That's interesting!

    And Omega Ruby* you mean. :Crazy:

    So, you're saying that if Gamefreak decides to release a Pokemon Revolution for example then thats the only way they could shut down this server?

  3. 38914 I actually like the TMs the way they are. It creates a new market besides just searching for that "perfect" pokemon, which is good for an mmo. Maybe implement unlimited TMs as extremely difficult to obtain ingame items. Maybe as exclusive event prizes even.

    The original Pokemon games themselves have a battling feature.

    Training EVs, getting a pokemon with good IVs and nature is hard enough, I can't see why we should waste so much money on TMs, too. :Cry: I'm barely able to buy Pokeballs, so I'd actually be happy to have unlimited TMs, and some of them arent easy to obtain at all, anyways.

  4. 38858 Come host from Egypt definitely secure global internet here :D.. Good Luck Team

    And BTW the more we grow >> the more the game will grow and soon this will push Nintendo or any other official company to contract Revolution team I think .. Just we must support !!

    That's a negative effect, the growth of the server makes it more noticeable.

    The more people that play it the more likely it is that Gamefreak would hear or see about the game,

    look it up and might even sue them because they sell membership and the like...

    (Which is really idiotic, how else do you want them to hold up a server? Also, they made sprites from scratch.

    If I was part of GameFreak I would be flattered, but things do not work that way.)

    Also due to copyright. Gamefreak is known for being problematic on this regard.

    They shut down a couple of Pokemon MMOs before...

    But I dont think the country of the server really changes the copyrights, does it? :confused:

    I mean, so basically I can go copying(Not saying thats what you do, dont get the wrong idea!) a game

    and sell it elsewhere and come out free out of it?

  5. As some of you might know, ever since gen 5, Pokemon turned TMs limitless, much like the HMs.

    This change was great and adored by many Pokemon players around, after all... Some TMs are hard to re-obtain and sometimes nearly impossible. People breed, try new Pokemon and change movesets all the time.

    It would only be reasonable to do so and let people engage in Pokemon battles more freely and fairly.

    I'd be more than glad if you could consider making the TMs unlimited instead of one time use,

    thanks in advance. :Heart:

  6. In the original games, there's a key item called "V.S. Seeker", it lets you re-battle trainers and people you've already fought.

    Personally, I think it'll be a great and fun addition to the game!

  7. 38628
    no this isnt licensed.


    like every other fan made MMO out there


    So, How do u manage to be sue free?

    I dont think they do, especially since they have a cash-shop and membership... ;c

    (But it's reasonable though, they couldnt hold up the server otherwise.)

  8. As stated in the rules, players are allowed to have two accounts using the same email.(two accounts per one email allowed.)

    I would love to do so because of the various paths through the game (Choosing a starter, Helix or Dome Fossil, and so on...) and gender.

    And an idea that crossed my mind that many may disqualify is that it would be nice to have a 'double charge' for every account that uses the same email, aka - if I purchase 100 C, I'd receive it on both the characters that use the same email address. YET - I would also suggest that the items purchased with the other account would be impossible to trade and/or transfer at all. I know it might be a little bit complicated, but it would also be a great addition, as it's a little unfair that if you paid already, you have to do it twice the time with both accounts. (You already have to start your adventure all over again, isn't it enough of a pain? :P... )

    To sum up, here's a list of pros and cons! :Heart:



    A.Might make more people interested in buying and donating to the server.

    B.Would motivate people to make an extra account with their email adress, and so keep them intrigued by the game for even a longer while.

    C.Would let players try on a bigger variety of cash items, and so they.ght be interested in new items and buy more C.

    D.If done as stated above, it would avoid abuse.



    A.Players might share their 'mule' account.

    B.Players might use it to transfer stuff to their main account


    Solution to cons:

    A.Likewise, players might share their main account currently if they wish, and so abuse the system as well.

    What about different accounts equals different logins? The server might block that option by making only one account-per email login. (Would also avoid trade abuse)

    B.As suggested above, some kind of lock for transfer for the second account. (I'm sorry, I know it might be complicated to code, but look what an amazing server you've made! I'm sure you can do that, too.)


    It's all just a suggestion, and I know it might sound very silly.

    But I know I'm dying and cant decide which mount to pick, and what items to buy, and would love

    to have the best of both worlds, even if it's not on the same account, that's way it's fair for both of us!

    Thanks in advance, sorry if it sounds really dumb. :Sing:


  9. 37367 good question. I don't know how gamefreak/nintendo fight with not official servers(if at all)

    I've played servers that has been shut down before due to copyright, I really hope this server wouldn't go through the space process because I've already paid(Which I dont tend to do with so many MMOs out of the big list I do play...)

  10. 38496 thank you very much


    and one more thing this colors I get them when I fight with the pokemon or when I catch it ?

    When you catch them, these things are called 'Natures', and you cannot change them unless you capture or breed another Pokemon of the same species!

  11. 38572 Hello Leon! Welcome to the game! jajaja My favourite side game was Mystery Dungeon (the 1st one) Red rescue team :P.

    The storyline is sooo much more touching than the original Pokemon games, aside from Black and White which was kinda more upbeat and detailed :O! I remember crying during this game ;w;

    Welcome to PRO!!!

    Thank you :Shy:

  12. But, I know I never was :Shocked: ...

    So how are you all doing? Thought I'd stop by and say hi :Exclam:

    Name's Leon, but I tend to go by 'Blizzard' usually.

    I love drawing and animating, and if you'd like to see some of my works then feel free to send me a private message and I'd be happy to share!

    I've been a fan of Pokemon ever since I was... 4 I think?... I've had my first Gameboy Color along with a Pokemon Silver in it when I was in the kindergarden, and it was my first game ever!

    I remember having lots of fun, and I've played it nearly all day-every day!

    My favorite Pokemon region is Hoenn, and I was really happy to see Pokemon ORAS coming to life!

    I'm a shiny+competitive hoarder and breeder in the official games on my 3DS, and own many dittos with high number of IVs from all around the world for competitive breeding! I have over 5 boxes of shinies and competitive Pokemon, so you can tell it's a big hobby of mine! xD I've played every single generation since the game came out (Of the official ones) And some side games !( Pokemon Rangers, Mystery Dungeon... But not all of them though)

    If you'd like to be friends, I'd be more than glad to! ^^ I could really use some more company in this game :O

    I fell in love with this server on the very first day (Which is today, yay!) And so I've even made my first purchase.

    The radioactive is super cool, so kudos to the artist!

    I'd love to learn pixel art someday, too... I'm lacking knowledge about it so far :P.

    I've always dreamt about making games like this one, ever since childhood! You can say Gamefreak and Nintendo in overall inspired me... :Angel:

    I hope this introduction wasn't way too long, as you can see, I love blabbering about alot.

    So sorry if it was though, I made you read all of that, gah!!! Dx

    So to sum up, it's really nice to meet you all!

  13. 38552 They're trying to waste our membership days so we feel inclined to pay another 5 dollars just to get the days we missed back.



    I paid 5 bucks but didn't get membership myself, instead I've got a mount and a radioactive suit! :P

    Still wish I've had enough for Lapras Mount too, though...

  14. I've been trying to log in the whole day, but each time I do it either says "could not connect to the server" or it says "logging in.." then the message fades and nothing happens, i've restarted the client a couple of times, and still, no solution... When I check the logged in list it says it's not full yet nearly full, meaning the server is on and I should be able to. I would be glad to receive some help? Thanks in advance!

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