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Everything posted by Boyraiderzz

  1. lam` an suon se~ nhe hcl :))
  2. Tks buddy, i'll try. btw, mod has confirmed it was a bug so i'll wait for the fix :v
  3. Hi there. I'm sorry to hear you've been encountering this problem. I've moved your topic to the NPC & Scripting Bugs subforum, and forwarded the issue to a member of the scripting team to look into. Thanks for your patience in the meantime! thanks for paying attention to my post, im looking 4wards to receiving proper solutions.
  4. I talked to all npc along the way as well as got the 1st badge in Johto, but the police did not allow me to go through r32. I've been stuck for so long. Can anyone help me do away with this problem ? Thanks in advance!
  5. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <t>Application<br/> <br/> 1. What is your IGN? Boyraiderzz<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have? 280h<br/> 3. Why do you want to join? I have no guild up to now. And more importantly, I'd love to befriend everyone cuz this is not a game, it's a community. I'd love to talk too :v<br/> 4. Do you use Discord? Oops, I don't get this, what is it?<br/> 5. Do you meet all of our requirements? If not, please let it be known. I've meet all the requirements except for the Discord as stated above<br/> 6. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list? My dearest pkm has always been Charizard for more than 10 years</t>
  6. there is no grunt for me to battle, so that i was not allowed to pass through by the police here Did u read what i told u? xdxdxd This grunt at bridge and the police officer/grunt have nth to do with each other. xd yeah i found it, i just midread your reply, anw thanks a lot !
  7. Hi, the rocket guy at end of bridge just handed u a nugget. After this u said no to join team rocket, so he fougth vs u. If u win or lose doesnt matter, he just disappears. :) The police officer to your right dont let u go to route 9 cause thats not how u proceed with the story. Next stop for u is south in vermillion city and SS Anne. Therefore u need a ticket u can get at route 25 (behind the nugget bridge with the rocket dude). So find bills house, help him out, get the ticket for the ship and proceed with story with your next stop in Vermillion City! Have fun! I'd love to receive your help, thanks so much !
  8. there is no grunt for me to battle, so that i was not allowed to pass through by the police here
  9. yeah i know that path way, but the problem as I stated is I can't get pass the police
  10. no, i just start playing and get through mt moon to ceru, and ceru gym is my 2nd badge afterall. I got stuck here for a long time cuz of the Grunt and Police, i think it's bug
  11. The thing is that I've got the Ceru gym badge but I was defeated by the R Grunt in r25. After a recovery, I came again and could not find him anywhere. Then I talked to the police that block the way to the left of Cerulean city and he still did not let me through to r5. And I found the Grunt stands behind the police. So how can I challenge him while i can not pass through without cut ??? Or this is a bug and I'll be stuck forever? I need your help please, thanks so much !
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