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  1. Hi Shane, I have 276Hours in this awsome game, I live in Philippines, my favorite pokemon is Axew I want to win those headphones because I don't have any headphones right now, It would be awesome to get one and also I'm not gonna be bored while hunting my favorite poke Axew. :Smile: IGN: Famsz123 Server: Blue Server
  2. Hello Shane, I really really want this kind of gaming mouse because my laptop's mouse pad was broken and it was too hard for me to click it and also this is the kind of gaming mouse that I've been dreaming to have for many years :Heart-eyes: because i don't have the money to buy this kind of mouse.. And when i saw your the post of giving away a gaming mouse i was so shocked :Shocked: when i saw it is my favorite mouse and I don't want to miss the opportunity to have it. I hope you will grant my wish.. :Angel: Thanks Shane, IGN: Famsz123
  3. Maybe I could join for this event.. IGN: Famsz123 I really really want this mouse because my laptop's mouse pad in kind a broken and is too hard for me to click and also this is the kind of gaming mouse that i wanted for many years.. :Heart-eyes: :Heart-eyes: :thanks:
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