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About Jackqwerty

  • Birthday 10/04/1991

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  1. Re: [ On going auction for EPIC Venusaur Feebas ] JackQwerty Shop <t>bumpp</t>
  2. Re: [ On going auction for EPIC Venusaur Shroomish Floatzel Feebas ] JackQwerty Shop <t>update : Kingdra sold</t>
  3. Re: [ On going auction for EPIC Kingdra Venusaur Shroomish Floatzel ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="barney"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin <QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin <QUOTE author="Chau"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin</r>
  4. Re: [ On going auction for EPIC Kingdra Venusaur Shroomish Floatzel ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="Raimei"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin<br/> <br/> UPDATE : mamoswine sold</r>
  5. Re: [ On going auction for EPIC Kingdra Venusaur Shroomish Floatzel ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="pop0802"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin <QUOTE author="abbyonelove2"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin</r>
  6. Re: [ On going auction for EPIC Kingdra Venusaur Mamoswine ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> np the last bidder didn't seen to response so i keep the auction going <br/> end in 24 hours after the last bin <QUOTE author="barney"><s> </e></QUOTE> bo end in 24 hours after the last bin</r>
  7. Re: [ PVP poke selling epic rain team and more ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="va1kyrie"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin <QUOTE author="TerrorGr"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo end 24 hours after the last bin <QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> im sorry but you can't shadow other ppl bin for 5k minimum 50k for poke this price</r>
  8. Re: [ PVP poke selling epic rain team and more ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="xyzb3f"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo auction end 08/1/2016 3:16 pm</r>
  9. Re: [ PVP poke selling epic rain team and more ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo auction end in 24 hours after the last bin or when i got an instant price<e> </e></QUOTE> ok so 8pm GMT 1/8/15 ? :D<e> </e></QUOTE> yes that's right</r>
  10. Re: [ PVP poke selling epic rain team and more ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo auction end in 24 hours after the last bin or when i got an instant price</r>
  11. Re: [ PVP poke selling epic rain team and more ] JackQwerty Shop <r><QUOTE author="tibim1000"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo sorry for the slow response<br/> bumb</r>
  12. steelix 130k
  13. [glow=red]bumppp[/glow]
  14. Re: Garage Sell (EPIC) Ongoing epic bulba & charmender <t>Azurill sold ? if not i offer 300k</t>
  15. is it end yet ?
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