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Everything posted by Karry48

  1. Goodbye! take care and hope you will come back in the future! Don't let a game take your life away, do what you must, if you come back we will all welcome you again!
  2. In Canada // Quebec. my favorite pokemon is Dialga, he's so pretty! :Smile: I think i should have this headset because it looks so good, would go so well with my new Asus GTX 970 Strix and i play alot of games and people always complain because my current microphone doesnt quite do the job (unclear // is too sensitive) currently using Razer Kraken Pro (2years old, almost falling apart lol) Good luck everyone!
  3. same, alot of us having this issue
  4. I'm having the exact same issue, trust me, restarting at this point is absolutely no use. im up to 45 restarts and still (talked to him from left 15 times, 10 from under and 20 from the right) ...
  5. IGN: Karry48 ---Red server My mouse is getting old, has 2 broken buttons, the braided fiber on the cord is breaking and i play alot of FPS + PRO! and just bought a gtx970 strix :) Goodluck everyone! :Angel:
  6. I'll answer that with what i've seen and heard. I was watching Summit1G's stream on Twitch. he was about to play this game when he called a twitch admin he knows and asked. But Twitch refuses to have this game streamed because it is not affiliated with Nintento, Creatures Inc. and GAME FREAK Inc. Nintendo would constantly be on their back because they refuse that a game that is not sponsored by them, with tons of copyright infringements to be streamed. (Now that doesnt matter where the server is located, before i start hearing "The server is hosted somewhere where they have open views on copyright stuff") So according to the guy Summit1G called, he is not allowed and those who does stream the game will get a ban/suspension and have a perm record on their twitch. Do your research and be careful if you want to stream the game. make sure that you prove my explanation above to be false, which i doubt is if the twitch admin said no.
  7. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? Karry48 -- 20years old 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 190hours - 24 badges 3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) Farming, EV training, Selling, Leveling. 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? I wanna have fun with the people around and have the very best karp in the world! :devil: :Heart-eyes: 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? Yup! 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? Secondary -- my primary language is french :Smile:
  8. Sure did! i bought 1 for myself and sold 4 of them in-game along with a few pickaxes, costumes and mounts! (Not gonna mention how much i spent yet, lmao :) great game indeed :) Yeah, i pretty much just rushed through the game, thanks for the guide! Sadly i just had my first unpleasant experience with the community, asking in all chat where to go/how to unlock the teleporter system in hoenn then being insulted over All chat saying i'm "obviously not in hoenn if i didnt get it yet", that im obviously stupid and don't make any sense.... but not a single answer... ugh this is so frustrating...I hate people like that. totally do. as of now well.... still looking how to get the teleporters because the All chat is useless with those "kids" insulting you all around the place without reason -__- :banned: :banned:
  9. I'm buying Dex Services for any region, i'm trying to get up to 250 captures for the Dragon Membership. I'm paying 2k per pokemon! (trade back and forth) I'm linking a google docs to make it easier. All the crossed-out names are pokemons i already have! Google Docs Link :Exclam: :Exclam: :Exclam: Thank you everyone in advance! In-Game name: Karry48
  10. Welcome to the forums! if you need help and are on red server, you can add me! Ign: Karry48
  11. Welcome to the PRO community Paid! Personally the first thing i bought was a mount then a membership after completing Kanto's E4, you will really see the use of membership, once you reach about level 75, you'll see other people and they may as well still have level 45's :) Enjoy! IGN: Karry48 Server: Red
  12. Welcome to the PRO Community ! Wish you alot of fun, this game is really enjoyable, even after 130hours in the game :)
  13. Welcome to the community, I wish you the best of luck for your application to be part of the scripting team!
  14. Hello Pokemon Revolution Online people! Since Pokemon GO came out i started playing this game here, i have 134Hrs in-game and have played all pokemon generations up to Black2&White2, i haven,t played X and Y and any higher because i don't have a 3ds (saying higher because some may already have leaked version of Sun and Moon) but that isn't what this is about, isn't it? :banned: :Angel: I've completed the majority of the game already i'm just working on collecting a decent team and getting "Caught" pokemons to complete the dex and unlock events! I have this bad habbit of spending alot of money on F2P games, simply because i am a little lazy to farm for hours and on to get money//advance. With that said, i wish everyone here a good time on this awesome game and if any of you wants help in game or hanging out / talking / tips, In-game name: Karry48 Server: Red
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