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About Atomisk

  • Birthday 11/12/1993

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  • Career
    Automotive mechanic
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  • Occupation
    Automotive mechanic

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  1. Welcome mate, You can play the game anyway you like, but I do few tips...... Focus on a small amount of pokes to level up first. You see, the exp rate in this game is a tad different if you haven't already noticed. focusing on 2-3 pokes instead of a full party has it's advantages. Wait until you get into mid game to level up more, as you will have access to more of the area enabling you to level pokes much faster. Try your hardest not to spend money, until you need it for pokeballs or elite 4.
  2. I'd like to join! please send me an invite!
  3. I see! No biggie, i can understand thanks again guys for your insight!
  4. I agree, but let me also say. I do believe that getting animations for all the attacks plus Pokemon is a hefty task. This is why I propose that PRO incorporate a sort of Mod support. This would allow us, the community to provide extra features. Whilst the developers focus on up and coming updates. If you've ever played Poke'MMo they have a similar structure. I think with Mod support, or some (reasonable) way of being able to modify textures, and (SOME) in-game contents we could achieve this...
  5. Thank you all ^_^
  6. Hello all, Atomisk the name! For a long time now I've been looking for a game that could fill my Pokemon craving; big fan, played the majority of the titles on the hand held systems. Never the less, it seems as if none of the games can compare to what a truly devoted fan base can create. Time and time again I've been amazed with the quality Pokemon games fans produce, this is one of those moments! Coming from Poke'MMo and seeing something like this is mind blowing, So I bid thee creative developer thanks; for such a gem! But, I do have a few questions, for any who can answer them! 1.) Will breeding ever be implemented? If so..Please do not have the same breeding system as Poke'MMo 2.) Lol, will the battle interface ever be updated? Don't get me wrong, it's not bad. there's just a lot more to be desired. 3D sprites, battle animations, along with a balanced breeding system would solidify this game for me. 3.) what is the future of this game. Besides being able to play Pokemon, alongside friends in a massive world. what is the main goal what is there to look forward to on PRO. Any rebuttals are gladly appreciated! If you'd like to add me In-game, so be it! My Ign is Atomisk.... if you haven't guessed by now. welp! cheers! And good wishes to PRO and it's developers!
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