Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return
<t>1. IGN: justTooTactical (Justtootactical)<br/>
2. Hours Played(check trainer card): 111 and counting. I don't have high leveled pokemon or a full team, but I have been playing pokemon casually for years and competitively for a while during that. I know which direction I'm headed in and I know how to get there (just maybe not in this game's interpretation of spawn patterns and item locations). I just want a few people I can fight with when I do reach it.<br/>
3. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? Going off this, I myself have led clans and guilds in several other games for years with similar philosophy - that being there's no real hierarchy and it's merely a group of individuals with similar interests aiming to reach a similar goal. In return, camaraderie and a sense of loyalty is formed along the way. I support your three tenets. tl;dr Yes.</t>