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Everything posted by Wolfestein

  1. yes u can evolve with an oval stone equipped + 1 level at DAY time :Grin:
  2. make some pvp ranked / and farm good pokes / besides of complete kanto, johto and hoenn DEX. :) :y: and yes challenge bosses
  3. oh well ty for the info anyways :Heart: :thanks:
  4. HI can anyone tell me if [glow=green]"Snover"[/glow] appears wild ingame at safari or any place ? i've heard he appears at trees doing headbutt :thanks:
  5. well hi i am joe from latin america north venezuela.. and my favorite pokemon has been always [glow=Purple]Crobat[/glow] why? cause its purple faster and stronger too :kiss: it's a poke which needs Friendly to evolve. and it can have a really good advantage on the Battlefield pvp .. the reason i want this Headset it's because i don't have any way to talk with mine friends which they all are from Different parts of the world and i'm always " listening" not talking lol... i can say this is a very hard country to live because all here it's very expensive and would be great to win anything useful on my favorite hobby which is the computer systems... good luck and Thx for the opportunity :y: :thanks:
  6. [glow=Blue]thx for this mate... and Btw can anyone post a screen of Gible / Axew and Deino from dex. ? so i can confirm their spanw please? :thanks:[/glow]
  7. Hi everyone the reason of this topic is .. as u can read the subject. if there is a possible existence of the fossil poke CRANIDOS .. i never saw one on sale or even on trade. but i saw a NPC that it's located on the way route to johto safari witch got a RAMPARDOS.. . and in kanto.. there is a cranidos on the route 12.. on a little mountain which its inaccessible. so i wonder if the Skull fossil Exist on this game or if is not coded so.. any answer will be great.. i always loved that poke and could be really great if they add to ING.. :thanks: ↑ those are the poke i'm talking about if some people can't somehow remember :Grin:
  8. To evolve tyrogue to hitmonlee the poke must have the ATK > DEF i think.. sometimes is pretty hard to evolve because the difference of stat and nature. and try to evolve it at early lvl. good luck mate :) and im not pretty sure if there is posible to Evolve ATM. some pokes are not Coded (like happiny to chansey) . hope it works this info :thanks:
  9. nice guide ty :thanks:
  10. [glow=red]well seems to be a general issue. damm. we gotta wait then. :confused:[/glow]
  11. [glow=red]hi well as post said im LF skorupi epic jolly or adamant / kanto @ johto[/glow] :thanks:
  12. hi mate i can feel your pain cause i had like 3 complete days of hunting bulbas at route 16. and spend more that 50 hours guess farming and no joke! and nothing. so it's all about luck i totally got more than 25 bulbas at pc xd and only 2 are worth :Cry:
  13. Wolfestein

    Cinnabar [Red]

    It's glad to have new players. all help u need i'm here to help you all. good luck and welcome to [glow=red]Cinnabar[/glow] :Heart:
  14. Wolfestein

    Cinnabar [Red]

    [glow=red]Welcome to our all newest members :Cool: :Shy:[/glow]
  15. Well i know i'm not gonna win nothing but i'm gonna post anyways. :Crazy: good luck everyone IGN: Wolfestein
  16. i had to reinstall the game. with a new folder. and i could fix it. if anyone present this problem.. just delete the old folder or reinstall the game. with a new folder. Cya :thanks:
  17. hi. i got stuck at " loading map screen" . i've relogged like 2 times and nothing any help or suggestion please? HELP :thanks:
  18. Wolfestein

    Cinnabar [Red]

    Congrats to our sensei :Cool: [highlight=blue]Ynto[/highlight] :y:
  19. Wolfestein

    Cinnabar [Red]

    Ty ladies it's glad to be here with you :Heart: :thanks: :kiss:
  20. Wolfestein

    Cinnabar [Red]

    hi. i'm joe. i recently meet meiji :Smile: . and the reason why i wanna apply its cause ingame in don't have much friends, would be nice to learn more about the game at all strategies at competitive so would be pleasure to have a nice team or guild whit nice friends so we can help each :Shy: mi name ingame its : Wolfestein hours : 182 + 20mins and i've already complete kanto badges. and now i'm preparing to go johto also i am a active player! so i wish u best and GL ingame. and ty for your time if u read this :thanks:
  21. :thanks: [highlight=red]FOUND ONE ALREADY... :y:[/highlight]
  22. hi all . as post said im Lf a abra or any other poke sync and calm nature.
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