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Everything posted by Yourmajesty

  1. I don't know. Anything else?
  2. No don't catch it
  3. I can't seem to find enough money. But I currently have no money spot I can sit at and find cash until I can afford what I want. I have hours to do this.....
  4. Charizard needs 100 evs can't get to it has 20k ez message me in game. Your majesty or on the forums Your majesty
  5. I want to buy a beldum epic, 100k-200k UT
  6. We have client update but no update log, means just some bug fixes? What's new?
  7. Tiresome dealing with players? Want to just enjoy game profit and reinvest in yourself and your team? I know i do! I need a place i can go with my 2x31 bashful natured charmander and make quick ez money! I am suggesting a npc like item buyer guy on route 25 north of cerulean. Someone who understands the grind and will help me..and you! Make an ez profit so i can buy me some more pokeballs. 1x31 pokemon 5k 2x31 pokemon 15k 3x31 caterpie 30k! (I sure am happy they add ez profit guy..without breeding my hard work doesn't go unnoticed!)
  8. I haven't authorized this. Walk in blackthorn and see me
  9. Hello simple but handy suggestion for players looking to get into the competitive scene! Add which ev each pokemon gives in the pokedex summary. Thx Lets say i am walking through viridian forest on my way to pewter and it just so happens i need 6 evs for my pokemon, im bored, not really interested in my comp but im like "i really need those 6 evs." (and keep in mind during these few moments im encountering random pokemon while debating whether i should ask help chat which pokemon give hp evs or not) Moments like these would be a great reason for new players to check out the pokemon in the area and see which pokemon gives what evs. Alot of players im sure go full out and finish the comp with the best area giving evs, but for a trader or someone casual like me just being able to check the pokemon in the area for each ev it gives would be great.
  10. Hey the new forum looks great, I can now easily access it at work and on the go! Thank you developers. New forum appreciation thread k?
  11. I forbid you to quit playing.
  12. I see most of the people in this thread are my friends so i will not take sides but we can all agree! ban yourmajesty!
  13. Hello, it takes me close to 5 hours to level ratata to 80. Which gets you into hoenn, Now i will only take on 1 ratata at a time. Nothing fancy, Just leveling. Only 30k!! Come on? You can hunt during those 5 hours or even level another kanto/johto pokemon for your time.
  14. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? 23 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 104 hours + 16 badges 3. What is your ingame hobby? (farming, selling, pvp) farming selling and i just started to pvp after finishing johto 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? because i have a shiny karp and would like to collect more and it seems to be an A list guild, i will accept no less 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? maybe, i dont do game chats but i will type freely in game 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? english is primary
  15. oh wow, i am on route 26 looking for another entrance haha.. ty
  16. Tried that, player says already beat them no need to battle again im still not seeing a second building. are they reclose to each other? there are two buildings, one is right and one is left (go to the other side) are they close to each other? because i am not seeing them at all. can someone get me screenshots of the walking distance between the 2 buildings because this is getting frustrating
  17. same place as Kanto E4, easy as that, not sure on what server you are playing but certainly some unfriendly peeps on there Tried that, player says already beat them no need to battle again
  18. Hey I have just gotten all 8 badges in johto and have repeatedly asked for help on where to find johto elite 4, with no response and false leads. If someone could please address the exact route I need to take from blackthorn to the first elite 4 battle in johto that would be great
  19. Hey I have no idea where I may find johto elite 4 can someone help me out
  20. bumpo, guess no guild is Great Enough
  21. Pro has one of the best membership systems I have ever seen
  22. highly impressed with this guild
  23. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <t>1. What is your nickname in PRO? yourmajesty <br/> 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Scizor, I enjoy using scizor because it has a strong type of foundation that I like. It is unmovable until you move it<br/> 3. What is your final objective in PRO? I do not have one<br/> 4. How many hours did you play on Red? 84~ hours<br/> 5. Age: 23<br/> 6. Do you have a PVP Team? I am currently working on my first pvp team, I'd like to join a team to soak in information as others play and discuss competitive play<br/> <br/> If accepted invite me in game any time during the day. If I am missed then reply to this</t>
  24. Hello I am having some type of issue with proceeding in the storyline of johto. I have followed the story so far into goldenrod, I talked to the man security guard next to the gym then proceeded go underground to talk to director where I also sedated the security guard. Then I go outside from underground and talk to man next to gym leader again he tells me to go to Michael's home I do. Then I proceed to go to basement floor where I have the option to give a man a water bottle, but my character says "I don't have a water bottle crap". Where may I obtain this water bottle? Or did the server incorrectly skip over that script? Am at a stand still, please help
  25. Hello! I have been playing Pokemon mmos since 2012, I have great and infinite knowledge about gen 1-3 competitive play. BUT I have very little to none of later gens and that is very irritating, I have a great desire to learn more and further my experience with Pokemon. If your guild has the players needed to more expand my Pokemon mmorpg knowledge and experience PLEASE post. I will go over the guilds listed here and make my decision later today Thank you YourMajesty
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