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About Mawtygaming

  • Birthday 02/02/1996

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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Re: godlike deino <t>1cc + 200k</t>
  2. okay waiting for you
  3. Re: godlike deino <r>400k <E>:Light:</E> <E>:Light:</E></r>
  4. Insta change to 1.5m ty gonna sell it tomorrow if no other offers
  5. BAGON: Starting offer:500k Current BO: none Instant price: 1.5M OR 3 CC
  6. Start:2m BO: Instant: none yet 64 hours
  7. Close <t>gonna sell ig</t>
  9. Hello guys welcome to my shop! Have fun even for a moment Reason for selling these pokes: [glow=red][glow=red] 1. I want to buy pvp pokes. 2. I want to buy shinnies now xD.[/glow][/glow] Rules: [glow=blue] 1. Only need money :3 2. But you can offer money and items such as Life Orbs, Assault Vest etc. 3. Offers must be pm in game or via forums. [/glow] Azumarill 2m Yanmega 2m HP Dragon Weezing 1m Politoed 1m Ludicolo 1.5m Weavile 1m Kingdra 800k Machamp 400k Ferrothorn 1.5m Arcanine 800k Absol 1m Clefable 1m Gastrodon 1.5m Delphox 1.6m HP Electric Florges 1.2m Donphan 1.2m Skarmory 1.6m Metagross 1.2m Poliwrath 800k Kingdra Adamant 500k Kingdra Modest 500k Hitmontop 600k Swellow 500k Emolga 400k Altaria 500k Tentacruel 400k Medicharm 600k Hitmonchan 500k Lanturn 600k Magnemite 200k Gyarados 150k Shellder 1m Shinnies! [glow=yellow] SSOOLLDD PPOOKKEESS: [/glow]
  10. Re: WTS Epic Sceptile <r>1m <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  11. Repriced pokes
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