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About Thejirachii

  • Birthday 06/16/1995

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  1. I'll like to join! IGN: thejirachii age: 20 Favorite pokemon: Jirachi, Aron, chikorita, and so much more! :)
  2. Hello! ^_^
  3. What is very good software? I got it to work, thank you so much guys!
  4. so, how can i stop this?
  5. i just realize it too.. it just pop up saying " pro64 is not safe have been removed. " lol
  6. OMG, i got it. but the screen all black when i started it up :l
  7. the pro.64 keep disappearing on me? i can keep doing this but is just goes away on me. hmm.
  8. no. nothing..
  9. it still doesn't work. :D:
  10. Hi, I can't seem to get to the log in screen at all. I keep getting this message saying " pro64.exe will be compressed only after closing the application using it. modifications will be lost if you close WinRAR before that." and also a diagnostic message saying " cannot execute" ? I don't know why it's doing this, I NEVER had this problem before. Yes i re-downloaded everything from the game to the winrar. i have a really good pc ( msi 2pe leopard ). please help. :Frown:
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