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  1. Re: shiny (timid gastly) (Alakazan) <r>gastly 100k<br/> <br/> please how long u offer bo? <E>:Proud:</E></r>
  2. when u online? i cannot message u today. :confused: Sr english my so bad I´m online after 2 hours today Gyra Sold, thanks Yulinh16 :Grin:
  3. how much u BO? :D: I offer 50k when u online? i cannot message u today. :confused:
  4. Offer with info Pokémon (Nature,etc). Shiny :kiss: Epic :Heart-eyes: Nice :Smile: All about u <i></i>
  5. please help. my char stuck in route 8 home lt1 (tunel from celadon city to lavender town) :Frown: Be specific when reporting mapping issue. Be sure it is indeed mapping issue. Provide screenshot of an error when posting.
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