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  1. Which map were you on when you encountered this issue? The only time the speed of the dialogue should appear slower is if you're on a map with fog. I am in violet city. its been happening since i updated
  2. PRO Username: tsmirk Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? updated What have you already tried to solve the problem? nothing i can do Description and Message in the update did they not allow you to make the battle dialouge go by faster by hitting interact? it used to be able to be skipped quite quickly. is there something i can do about this?
  3. You will need to make sure login the right server. So progress is saved to the server?
  4. So progress is saved to the server?
  5. PRO Username: tsmirk Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? I opened my computer and was still in a lobby and it was empty so I quit and restarted. Now if freezes when i try to join blue server, and it makes me wait for 1000 people to get into red server and then I hits me with screen of a new player. I had a level 36 charizard, 39 pigeot, 37 pikachu, and a 16 nuzleaf in my party. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Yes I search the web, watched, videos, reinstalled, restarted my computer, everything.. Description and Message I opened my computer and was still in a lobby and it was empty so I quit and restarted. Now if freezes when i try to join blue server, and it makes me wait for 1000 people to get into red server and then I hits me with screen of a new player. I had a level 36 charizard, 39 pigeot, 37 pikachu, and a 16 nuzleaf in my party. I can't get into blue server at all and red is always packed and i have to start over. I haven't been banned from either server and only have been playing for a day. my email is [email protected]. Please help me get my team and progress back. p.s. I was in cerulean city last.
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