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About 17gabriel2

  • Birthday 07/02/1999

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  1. sure thing bro!
  2. [glow=Gold]Realpaul, Undyingfury and 17Gabriel2 Daycare Service![/glow] Join our discord chat for more infomation! https://discord.gg/qwSP9MT Status: OPEN Available for all Regions! Level Prices: Special Case Pokemon These include: EV Training section By Undyingfury! Prices: WE ALL SHARE THE HARD WORKED AND EARNED MONEY!
  3. Hi me again! ive been seeying a lot of people having gifs as their avatar, which makes me want to have the same hing, now ive ben searching on the forums for a idea on how to add them from URLs but it wont work, any type of help would be highly appriciated! :Heart:
  4. hello, i was doing some exp grinding this night and i accidently hit no when my pokemon tried to evolve, its level 100 now and i wonder if it can get lowerd to lvl 99 again? https://imgur.com/a/7cr3p thanks in advance!
  5. Re: Memoire [international guild] all servers! <r>so.. i've made an appeal to join on the 16th of august now i'm wondering whats gonna happen, i see loads of accepted apeals but what about mine? :s<br/> <E>:confused:</E></r>
  6. The Red server normally crashes or gets rebooted every 2/ 3 days and considering the server issues that were happening recently it isn't unlikely that is will go down again soon. Stay patient and you'll be able to play again soon :p Keep an eye on this server status checker so you will know when you can play again: https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ K, thanks
  7. It's a server sided issue caused when you aren't logged out correctly. Nothing you can do to fix it, unfortunately. You could play on a different account or server whilst you wait for Red to crash/ reboot. Wow... So that might mean if it won't get reboot or Crash I won't be able to play anymore?
  8. Why is my Account deadlocked? :D:
  9. I thought I got banned tbh
  10. I have a problem logging in, I logged in this morning without any problems then suddenly I got kicked out the server and when I tried to log back in it said I already was logged in, "this player is already logged in " what's the problem? :Nervous:
  11. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="soulvaki"><s> </e></QUOTE> Are you still in Cinnabar or?<e> </e></QUOTE> i am but i told them to kick me out so, they didnt reply yet so, i also didnt really expexted to get a quick reply on this thread as well <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  12. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r>I'M A RED SERVER PLAYER!!! <E>:Angel:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? <URL url="https://imgur.com/a/6DEcK">https://imgur.com/a/6DEcK</URL><br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself. My Name is Gabe i'm 17 years old and i looove anime/pokemon etc<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord? ofc i already have it!<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily? not daily i think since school is starting next week <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild? friends to hangout with while playing Pro<br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person. I'm into PvP but i need to train my mons better for it :p</r>
  13. 17gabriel2

    Cinnabar [Red]

    https://imgur.com/a/tjOJs <<<<<<<< kinda new to the forums so dunno how to show pictures like you guys :x About myself: I'm 17 years old from the netherlands and i'm basically looking for a nice guild while playing PRO, i love to hangout with people while playing the game! i would love to join this guild because you seem like the guys i might like owo !
  14. [ref=#9c9c9c]Pixiu[/ref],
  15. Also: Can you let me know if PRO worked on your computer at any point before you made this thread? When did this problem first start for you?
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