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Everything posted by 17gabriel2

  1. sure thing bro!
  2. [glow=Gold]Realpaul, Undyingfury and 17Gabriel2 Daycare Service![/glow] Join our discord chat for more infomation! https://discord.gg/qwSP9MT Status: OPEN Available for all Regions! Level Prices: Special Case Pokemon These include: EV Training section By Undyingfury! Prices: WE ALL SHARE THE HARD WORKED AND EARNED MONEY!
  3. Hi me again! ive been seeying a lot of people having gifs as their avatar, which makes me want to have the same hing, now ive ben searching on the forums for a idea on how to add them from URLs but it wont work, any type of help would be highly appriciated! :Heart:
  4. hello, i was doing some exp grinding this night and i accidently hit no when my pokemon tried to evolve, its level 100 now and i wonder if it can get lowerd to lvl 99 again? https://imgur.com/a/7cr3p thanks in advance!
  5. Re: Memoire [international guild] all servers! <r>so.. i've made an appeal to join on the 16th of august now i'm wondering whats gonna happen, i see loads of accepted apeals but what about mine? :s<br/> <E>:confused:</E></r>
  6. The Red server normally crashes or gets rebooted every 2/ 3 days and considering the server issues that were happening recently it isn't unlikely that is will go down again soon. Stay patient and you'll be able to play again soon :p Keep an eye on this server status checker so you will know when you can play again: https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ K, thanks
  7. It's a server sided issue caused when you aren't logged out correctly. Nothing you can do to fix it, unfortunately. You could play on a different account or server whilst you wait for Red to crash/ reboot. Wow... So that might mean if it won't get reboot or Crash I won't be able to play anymore?
  8. Why is my Account deadlocked? :D:
  9. I thought I got banned tbh
  10. I have a problem logging in, I logged in this morning without any problems then suddenly I got kicked out the server and when I tried to log back in it said I already was logged in, "this player is already logged in " what's the problem? :Nervous:
  11. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="soulvaki"><s> </e></QUOTE> Are you still in Cinnabar or?<e> </e></QUOTE> i am but i told them to kick me out so, they didnt reply yet so, i also didnt really expexted to get a quick reply on this thread as well <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  12. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r>I'M A RED SERVER PLAYER!!! <E>:Angel:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? <URL url="https://imgur.com/a/6DEcK">https://imgur.com/a/6DEcK</URL><br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself. My Name is Gabe i'm 17 years old and i looove anime/pokemon etc<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord? ofc i already have it!<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily? not daily i think since school is starting next week <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild? friends to hangout with while playing Pro<br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person. I'm into PvP but i need to train my mons better for it :p</r>
  13. 17gabriel2

    Cinnabar [Red]

    https://imgur.com/a/tjOJs <<<<<<<< kinda new to the forums so dunno how to show pictures like you guys :x About myself: I'm 17 years old from the netherlands and i'm basically looking for a nice guild while playing PRO, i love to hangout with people while playing the game! i would love to join this guild because you seem like the guys i might like owo !
  14. [ref=#9c9c9c]Pixiu[/ref],
  15. Also: Can you let me know if PRO worked on your computer at any point before you made this thread? When did this problem first start for you?
  16. i had no problems playibg PRO before the new update, this happend after i updated the client, i use window 7 by the way in case you didnt know that
  17. i tried the same thing as suggested on the new client but it still gives me the error it gave me before :Angry: :etc:
  18. is it possible that you can give me you client to try if that works? also sorry for this late reply, i just came back from my vacation :Smile:
  19. [ref=#9c9c9c]Pixiu[/ref],
  20. yeah i tried every step in the guide you send me. and i still get the same crash error. :Frown: i dont wanna quit PRO cuz of this :Frown:
  21. https://imgur.com/a/92gY2 tried everything
  22. [ref=#9c9c9c]Pixiu[/ref],
  23. i tried the following things in the picture but its still same, any other things i can do? :Shocked:
  24. PRO Username: 17Gabriel2 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: None What have you done before the problem was there? Ive done nothing but only trying to solve the problem. What have you already tried to solve the problem? i tried to run it as admin but whe i start the game up it crases leaving me this message ''oops something goes wrong bla bla bla something about missing data'' Description and Message ive got this problem, i downloaded the 32bit version of PRO on my windows 7, i unzip the file and start it up but suddenly my game crashes when i load it up. i dont even see the login menu of PRO because it instantly crashes, ive searched for help on the live chat.no one knew what thhe problem was. they told me to try to run it as admin but i get the same issue when i do that, i also deleted ALL old files of PRO but you can guess what happen the same thing. maybe one of you guys can tell me what to do? THANKS IN ADVANCE :Heart:
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